FREE Guide “3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer That No-One Is Telling You”

Water fasting’s healing potential

Are you familiar with the quote by Hippocrates, “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food”?

It’s a famous quote that many people reference in the world of health and healing, but this week’s podcast guest, Loren Lockman, shared the very next sentence of this quote that most people have never heard before:

“But to feed yourself when you are sick is to feed your sickness.”

Loren Lockman is an expert in prolonged water fasting who discovered this process in his early twenties when he found himself riddled with chronic illness. Now, in his 50s, Loren is healthier than ever and has helped thousands of people achieve similar results through water fasting.

He founded the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica and has over 28 years of experience supervising water fasts to ensure safety through proper hydration and electrolyte balance.

In this week’s podcast episode, Loren shares his vast knowledge of water fasting and its many benefits in healing the body of chronic health conditions and diseases.

Loren shares stories of clients who have shed excess body weight, healed decade-old injuries, improved their eyesight, overcome chronic disease, regulated their blood sugar, and more through water fasting.

Learn the science behind water fasting and how it activates powerful detoxification abilities within your body to boost your immune system beyond what researchers thought was possible.

Many of us look for solutions that involve ‘doing’ or finding the latest supplement to heal the body.

But as Loren shares in this episode, “Healing is a biological process, meaning that only the organism can heal the organism.” Which, in essence, means your body innately knows how to heal.

The idea of prolonged fasting can bring up many beliefs and emotions for people, so I invite you to keep an open mind and employ your curiosity during this eye-opening episode of the Born to Heal Podcast.


13:07 – Fasting Safely and Navigating Health Risks

25:11 – Unlocking Immunity

27:29 – A Scientific Perspective on Natural Cleansing

33:05 – Beyond Ketosis and Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

38:39 – Catalyst for Healing

42:47 – The Risks of Extreme Dry Fasting

48:22 – Inflammation's Impact

56:49 – Mysteries of Fasting

Did you hear the exciting news?!

Doors are officially OPEN for ‘The Shift: A 12-Week Conscious Medicine Program to Revolutionize Your Health.'

One of the frustrations I hear from my clients time and time again is that they feel completely overwhelmed when deciding the right approach to take with their health.

Whether they have cancer, chronic illness, or want to feel their best in their body, the large volume of seemingly credible advice from professionals all over the internet is often conflicting and confusing.

Can you relate?

When you're motivated to improve your health, you want to stop wasting time and know what will work instead of playing an endless guessing game with your body.

That's why I created ‘The Shift.'

The Shift is a 12-week program where you'll create a simple, personalized, effective protocol to heal your body and experience greater vitality than you have in years. Receive specialized support from me amongst a group of like-minded, like-hearted individuals from around the globe on a mission to heal from the inside out.

You'll walk away from this experience feeling clear and confident about exactly what you need to do to create radiant, lasting, optimal health.

Click below to claim your spot – doors close on Sunday, March 10!

Learn More

Much Love,

Dr. Katie, The Conscious Oncologist

The doors to my virtual practice are OPEN

Are you or a loved one currently going through treatment for cancer or other chronic disease? The doors to my virtual practice are officially open and I would love to support you in healing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual root causes of disease. You can learn more on my website and click the ‘BOOK ME’ tab to schedule your 1:1 consultation.

Let’s Stay Connected

Each week, I post content to Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn where I offer practical tips to become your own conscious healer. I hope to see you there!


Meet Dr. Katie Deming,
The Conscious Oncologist

After spending 20 years in conventional medicine as a radiation oncologist and healthcare leader, I’ve learned there’s a better way to heal. Now, I go beyond the confines of conventional and integrative medicine to help my patients detoxify and nourish their full selves, so that they can activate their innate healing abilities.

Book a 1:1 Consult

I’m here to be a trusted guide that educates and empowers you to make the best decisions for yourself. Book your specialized Conscious Oncology Consultation to help you heal through cancer here.

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Learn the 3 things you need to know about cancer that no one is telling you.