FREE Guide “3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer That No-One Is Telling You”

The role that unprocessed trauma and emotions play in our overall health and well-being

Are you familiar with the role that unprocessed trauma and emotions play in our overall health and well-being?

Today, I interviewed Will Hann, a PSYCH-K facilitator, who supports his clients in processing and releasing unconscious stored trauma.

In today’s episode, Will shares how he spent decades struggling with depression and disconnection before a chance encounter with PSYCH-K allowed him to finally process and release his suppressed emotional traumas.

The result of that first session was a shift from constant negative self-talk, inauthenticity, and depression to a still, more positive mind and feeling more at peace and confidence within himself.

Will describes feeling like he could finally let go of the mask he had created for himself once and for all. That experience shifted the trajectory of his life, and he became a facilitator of this powerful work.

In today’s episode, you will learn:

  • The difference between the conscious and unconscious mind
  • Why working with the unconscious mind to heal limiting beliefs and unprocessed traumas is a necessary part of the healing journey.
  • How re-writing your subconscious beliefs can pave the way to profound emotional liberation
  • Why talk therapy alone often doesn’t work for processing and releasing trauma.
  • The importance of expressing your feelings vs repressing your feelings and why it is important to allow our children to process emotions from a young age.
  • How we can use PSYCH-K to heal physical ailments such as allergies and other illnesses (it’s how I healed my allergy to cats!).

One of my favorite things about PSYCH-K is that it doesn’t take rehashing the past and retraumatizing ourselves in the process. It’s relatively quick to process and release emotions, creating a sense of freedom and peace within.

You can listen to the episode below and connect with Will by clicking here.


09:48 – Unconscious Trauma

13:37 – Rapid Trauma Transformation

17:32 – Learning How to Acknowledge and Process Emotions

20:49 – Why Willpower Fails You

22:24 – Psych-K to Treat Allergies

I hope you enjoyed today’s episode! I look forward to seeing you back here on Friday to discuss connecting with your internal system of knowing to guide your decision-making process on your healing journey.

Much Love,

Dr. Katie, The Conscious Oncologist

The doors to my virtual practice are OPEN

Are you or a loved one currently going through treatment for cancer or other chronic disease? The doors to my virtual practice are officially open and I would love to support you in healing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual root causes of disease. You can learn more on my website and click the ‘BOOK ME’ tab to schedule your 1:1 consultation.

Let’s Stay Connected

Each week, I post content to Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn where I offer practical tips to become your own conscious healer. I hope to see you there!


This Blog in its entirety is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical questions or conditions.


Meet Dr. Katie Deming,
The Conscious Oncologist

After spending 20 years in conventional medicine as a radiation oncologist and healthcare leader, I’ve learned there’s a better way to heal. Now, I go beyond the confines of conventional and integrative medicine to help my patients detoxify and nourish their full selves, so that they can activate their innate healing abilities.

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Learn the 3 things you need to know about cancer that no one is telling you.