FREE Guide “3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer That No-One Is Telling You”

How to get in touch with your internal knowing ‘yes’ and ‘no’ signals to support you in navigating decisions around your health and everyday life

Have you ever had an internal knowing that something was ‘right’ for you or ‘wasn’t right for you,’ even if it didn’t make sense to your logical mind?

We all have our internal signals of knowing that help us to understand what is ‘right’ for us vs what isn’t. These internal signals of knowing can help us to make decisions, especially when our mind is unclear on the next steps to take on our path.

They give us a clear ‘yes’ vs ‘no’ answer in our bodies that can be easily missed if you aren’t paying attention. Many of us have been taught to look to our mind to give us a clear answer, but these sensations from our body can bring a level of clarity that goes beyond what the mind can comprehend, especially when we’re facing new unknowns.

Today, I’m going to teach you how to get in touch with your internal knowing ‘yes’ and ‘no’ signals to support you in navigating decisions around your health and everyday life.

Understanding Your Internal Knowing System

One way to begin tapping into your internal ‘yes’ vs ‘no’ is to play an internal knowing ‘game.’ What does it feel like when something is a definite ‘yes’ in your body vs a definite ‘no?’ When I started doing this, I said statements to my body that I knew were a definite ‘yes’ and saw how my body responded.

I know that I love my daughter Sonika and I also know that oriental lilies are my favorite flowers. To practice, I said statements to my body that I knew were absolutely true like, “I love Sonika” and “I love oriental lilies.” I saw what sensations arose in my body to determine what my internal ‘yes’ felt like.

Whenever I said a statement that was an absolute ‘yes,’ it felt like someone opened a vent of air inside of my body that flowed up and through my heart. It always started low down in my body and blew through my body in an upward direction. Every time I said a statement to my body that I knew was a yes with 100% clarity before asking it, I had that exact same feeling.

Once I got my yes down, I started saying statements to my body that I knew were an absolute ‘no.’ I know that I am allergic to flaxseed and clearly shouldn’t eat it. So I said to my body, “Flaxseed is good for me.” Immediately, I felt a downward pressure in my chest. I kept practicing with more statements that I absolutely know are not true and continued to get that same downward pressure feeling.

I started giving my body these yes/no statements with things that I knew the answer to for a few weeks to establish my ‘yes’ or ‘no’ with absolute clarity. Then I started using it with things that I didn’t know the answer to.

If a friend asked me to go on a trip or if I was about to make a purchase that I wasn’t totally sure about, I’d say a statement such as “It’s good for me to go on a trip with my friend,” or “This purchase is a good idea” and I would see how my body reacted. If it had that open heart feeling with air blowing up and through me, I knew it was a yes. If it had that downward pressure feeling, I knew it was a no.

The more I worked with this internal ‘yes’ vs ‘no,’ the more consistent and reliable it became. I found that I could use it to support me with food choices, relationships, supplements to take, and more. It started to become a consistent and reliable guide in my life.

Establishing Your Internal ‘Yes’ vs ‘No’

Now it’s your turn to try this process out. Each of us have these internal signals of knowing that we can rely on to guide our decision-making process. I invite you to start determining what your signals feel like.

Before you get started, I want you to know that the location of these sensations in the body may not always be the same. A woman that I work with has the same sensation that always arises for ‘yes,’ but it doesn’t arise out of the same area of the body every time. She gets a beautiful open sensation in her body for ‘yes,’ but sometimes it comes from her heart space, other times it comes from her gut or pelvis. The location may change but the sensation for your ‘yes’ and ‘no’ should remain the same.

Here’s how you can start tuning into and strengthening your internal signals of knowing:

  1. Choose 2-3 statements that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt are true. If you have a son that you love, this could be a statement like, “I love my son (insert his name here).” If your happy place is on the beach, it could be “The beach is my happy place.”
  2. Say these statements to yourself out loud or in your head separately, one at a time. Notice the feelings and sensations that arise within your body when you say a yes statement. Where do they arise from and what do they feel like? Are they consistent?
  3. Keep practicing until you feel confident in your ‘yes’ sensation. Keep using statements that you know are absolutely true until you are confident in what that sensation feels like.

Once you’ve established your ‘yes,’ you can move on to your ‘no’ statements. Repeat this process using statements that you know are absolutely without a shadow of a doubt a ‘no’ answer. As an example, if you are terrified of spiders, you can say “I love spiders,” and see how your body responds.

Practice makes perfect with this process so be sure to take your time and have fun with it! I would recommend waiting until you feel clear on your ‘yes’ vs ‘no’ before using it to make decisions with things you’re uncertain about. Once you feel that level of reliability and certainty with your body, you can use it to support you with different food choices, treatment options, and more.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below, what does your ‘yes’ vs your ‘no’ feel like in your body?

I look forward to seeing you back here next week to talk about German New Medicine and how the mind affects the body!

Much Love,

Dr. Katie

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This Blog in its entirety is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical questions or conditions.

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Meet Dr. Katie Deming,
The Conscious Oncologist

After spending 20 years in conventional medicine as a radiation oncologist and healthcare leader, I’ve learned there’s a better way to heal. Now, I go beyond the confines of conventional and integrative medicine to help my patients detoxify and nourish their full selves, so that they can activate their innate healing abilities.

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Learn the 3 things you need to know about cancer that no one is telling you.