FREE Guide “3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer That No-One Is Telling You”

Following Your Intuition with Your Health: A Key to True Healing

Have you had a doctor or health professional share a treatment protocol, diagnosis, or prognosis that didn't quite sit right with you, but you couldn't explain why?

Or a time when you inherently knew something was off with your health or some other area of your life, even though everything was seemingly ‘fine on the surface?'

One of the most underrated but highly important skills when it comes to making decisions about your health or any other area of your life is learning to listen to your intuition.

We all have intuition.

For some of us, it's a feeling that something is ‘off,' but we can't quite pinpoint what it is.

For others, it's a gut response, an immediate ‘yes' or ‘no' when someone shares an answer that either lands… or doesn't.

We even reference a mother's ability to know that her child is in danger, even if she isn't around them, as a ‘mother's intuition.'

You may call this phenomenon something different, but I guarantee that nearly everyone has had an experience where their intuition defied logic and was proven to be correct.

Recent studies show the importance of following intuition in medicine, which can be more accurate than analytical reasoning alone. These studies define intuition as ‘the earliest impressions we form when confronted with a problem.' Some of these studies show that the doctor's immediate impression is the best predictor of diagnostic accuracy, which is arguably governed by their intuition.*

As you can see, when making decisions about your health, bringing your intuition along for the ride is a necessary part of the equation.

But if the answer is that easy, why don't more people use their intuition to navigate the decision-making process? 

Why is it so easy to become overwhelmed by the myriad of options and suppress this innate wisdom?

I believe it's because the feelings and sensations from your intuition can be so subtle that it is easy to override them with logical reasoning. Additionally, when you're feeling fear around your health, it's easy to outsource your decision-making process to someone else who ‘knows the answer.'

Even though I have become adept at following my intuition over the years, I still have times when my mind wants to challenge what my intuition knows.

So, if you've doubted or overridden your intuition, you're not alone.

In the video below, I share what I have learned about embracing intuition and why many people tend to doubt it when it comes to their healing journey.

I also share how to go from doubting or overriding intuition to embracing its inherent wisdom every day:

As an oncologist with over 20 years of experience working with patients, it’s important to me that every person I work with employs their intuition along their health journey.

While others may encourage you to trust a doctor’s opinion over your intuition, I believe your body innately knows the way. Therefore, listening to what your body is trying to tell you is not only an important part of the process but a critical one.

In my upcoming free Roadmap to Radiant Health workshop on March 5th, I’ll teach you how to blend the worlds of logic, knowledge, and intuition to create a roadmap to optimal health that’s right for you.

While the pillars of optimal health are the same, how you approach and implement each pillar in your life will be different based on your personal experience and the unique ecosystem of your body.

I’ll teach you how to assess where you are now with your health and where you want to go so you can create a roadmap that blends intuition and evidence-based practices to create the results you’ve been looking for.

You can register for the upcoming webinar by clicking the button below.

Register Here

Will you be joining us?

If so, can’t wait to see you there.

Much Love,

Dr. Katie, The Conscious Oncologist

*Studies referenced in the article above:

Barrows HS, Norman GR, Neufeld VR, Feightner JW. The clinical reasoning of randomly selected physicians in general medical practice. Clin Invest Med. 1982;5:49–55. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Eva KW, Link CL, Lutfey KE, McKinlay JB. Swapping horses midstream: factors related to physicians' changing their minds about a diagnosis. Acad Med. 2010;85(7):1112–1117. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e3181e16103. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

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Are you or a loved one currently going through treatment for cancer or other chronic disease? The doors to my virtual practice are officially open and I would love to support you in healing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual root causes of disease. You can learn more on my website and click the ‘BOOK ME’ tab to schedule your 1:1 consultation.

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Each week, I post content to Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn where I offer practical tips to become your own conscious healer. I hope to see you there!


This Blog in its entirety is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical questions or conditions.

Meet Dr. Katie Deming,
The Conscious Oncologist

After spending 20 years in conventional medicine as a radiation oncologist and healthcare leader, I’ve learned there’s a better way to heal. Now, I go beyond the confines of conventional and integrative medicine to help my patients detoxify and nourish their full selves, so that they can activate their innate healing abilities.

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Learn the 3 things you need to know about cancer that no one is telling you.