Free Guide – 3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer:
Can 15 minutes of therapeutic oxygen be the breakthrough you've been seeking in your healing journey?
Join Dr. Katie Deming as she sits down with Brad Pitzele, whose quest for health led him to revolutionize exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT). After battling multiple chronic conditions, Brad discovered a simple yet powerful approach that transformed his recovery – and now helps thousands of others heal.
Key Takeaways:
How oxygen therapy boosts conventional cancer treatment effectiveness
Why 15 minutes can replace hours of other therapeutic approaches
The direct link between oxygen and cellular detoxification
Simple ways to start, regardless of current fitness level
How to make this therapy sustainable long-term
The unexpected mental clarity and brain health benefits
For anyone navigating cancer or chronic illness, the daily routines of healing can become exhausting. Between endless appointments, supplement schedules, and rigid protocols, finding time for yourself feels impossible. Brad shares how this accessible 15-minute practice could replace hours of other therapies.
Learn why major cancer centers are embracing oxygen therapy and how it enhances conventional treatments. Brad explains the science behind why proper oxygenation matters for cellular health, energy production, and immune function in clear, practical terms anyone can understand.
Brad reveals how EWOT uniquely supports brain health and mental clarity – a benefit many discover unexpectedly. He discusses the fascinating connection between oxygen levels and inflammation, explaining why this therapy can help reduce pain throughout the body.
Through real patient stories, Brad illustrates how this therapy has helped people regain their vitality and return to activities they thought were lost forever. He shares practical tips for getting started, even for those with limited mobility or energy.
Listen and learn why proper oxygenation is crucial for energy, detoxification, and immune function – and how you can benefit from this accessible approach.
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Free Guide – 3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer:
6 Pillars of Healing Cancer Workshop Series – Click Here to Enroll
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Read the Transcript Below:
Katie Deming (00:01.524)
Hello everyone and welcome back to the Born to Heal podcast where we talk about holistic healing options for healing cancer. And today I'm excited to be speaking with Brad Pitzley. Brad, thank you and thank you for coming on the show and welcome.
Brad Pitzele (00:18.594)
Thank you so much, I appreciate you having me.
Katie Deming (00:21.726)
So Brad, you have an interesting story and today we're gonna be talking about exercise with oxygen, but I would love to have you talk to us a little bit about how you came into this and why you're so passionate and interested in this topic.
Brad Pitzele (00:40.942)
Excellent, thank you, Katie. So throughout my life, I had a variety of very strange autoimmune and symptoms that would kind of come and go. Things started to get serious when I started to have arthritis in 2011 and 12, and it progressed. I also had weird symptoms. I started to get precancerous, sort of. I had Barrett's esophagus in my throat, which is a precancerous condition.
At the age of 25, I started getting polyps, which is very young for some to get colon polyps. Luckily they were discovered. But then I started taking medicines for my autoimmune disease, immune modulators. And then in 2014, I was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma on my shoulder. I knew that the medications I was taking increased the risk of melanoma.
And so immediately I was quite frightened and I went to my rheumatologist and said, well, geez, I'm kind of in a bind here. On the one hand, if I don't take these medications, my life's gonna be cut short from these autoimmune diseases. And if I do take them, you know, I've already gotten cancer once, I kind of feel like I'm playing Russian roulette here. And so we tried a couple other drugs, but I just…
I was very nervous the whole time and I started to kind of research and try to take ownership of my health. And I tried a variety of different things, but my health was declining quite rapidly. In 2015, I moved and I got a new doctor and about 2016, he said, look, you're in really bad shape. I recommend you either do hyperbaric oxygen.
or you do this thing called exercise with oxygen therapy and I'd never heard of it. So first I looked into Hyperbaric because it was something I'd heard of and it was gonna be somewhere between 50 and $75,000. It was going into a doctor's office seven days a week and it involved going into a pressurized tube for 90 minutes and I just thought I don't have that kind of money and I certainly don't have.
Brad Pitzele (02:54.542)
the three hours to drive and go into this tube and pressurize and spend 90 minutes and so forth. And so that just wasn't realistic for me. So then I started to look at exercise with oxygen therapy, otherwise known as EWOT, E-W-O-T. And there were several providers and they were offering it for anywhere between maybe 5,000 on the low end and 25,000 on the high end. And I just…
I didn't really trust their marketing literature. It didn't feel very honest to me. So I was really afraid to put that kind of money on the line. And so I actually ended up making my own and sure enough, I started to get better. A lot of my symptoms started to go away. And in about a year I went and saw my doctor in 2017 and he noticed I had taken a stepwise improvement. And he said to me, said, Brad, what are you doing? Are you doing the oxygen? And I said, I am.
And he says, that's great, who did you buy it from so I can tell my other patients? And I looked him in the eye and I said, actually, I just made my own doctor. And he looked at me kind of shocked and he said, really? He said, would you consider making it for our patients? And that was kind of the birth of 1000 Roads with the thought being having a lot of empathy for people with chronic illness. A lot of times.
When you step outside of mainstream medical, there's a lot of folks who have a $5,000 or $10,000 or $25,000 answer for you. And you know, there's like only so many of those big bets you can take if any at all. And I just felt like if we brought down this price, we could make this much more affordable and get people's hands on it. And it's really powerful, but what makes it powerful is when you can do it consistently over time and having something in your home.
really made sense. So what exercise of oxygen therapy really involves is just doing a 15 minute cardio session with a mask on your face, breathing near pure oxygen. So I didn't have to spend 90 minutes in a tube. I could just do 15 minutes. I just set the system up in my garage and anyone can find 15 minutes, but.
Brad Pitzele (05:06.542)
you know, finding 90 minutes or several hours every day, it's just not sustainable, even if you do have the funds. And so that really became, that really became kind of a rallying point for us is how do we, how do we bring down the price of exercise with oxygen so more people can experience it and bring it into their home? And so we've been, you know, that was the birth in 2018 and we've been around since then and steadily growing. And it's kind of an exciting thing to be able to give back to folks.
who are dealing with chronic health issues and help them recover their
Katie Deming (05:39.666)
Well, I love that. And also I personally have, I did exercise with oxygen. I haven't been doing it for the past two years, but I had joined a wellness center that had superhuman, which basically is the combination of PEMF and then exercise with oxygen and red light. So I have experience with doing this and, really noticed a difference with doing those practices in my own wellness journey. And that was really the
start of me exploring some of these alternative options for natural healing and just supporting wellness of our body. So I love your story. And I also love this making something that is so expensive, accessible, because you hit the nail on the head. This is like a space, especially most of my listeners are people who are interested in healing cancer, maybe not have cancer themselves, but
have an interest in that area. And it's so overwhelming because there's so many things that you need to do. It's not just one thing that someone needs to do to heal cancer. Cancer doesn't develop overnight, and it's not just one thing that's gone wrong. There's multiple things. And so the oxygen piece is one piece. And I have a lot of people who do hyperbaric, but it's very expensive, like you described, also very time intensive. And I love this.
short option and knowing in my center where we did it, was, think, 10 minutes of the exercise with oxygen, but 15 minutes, people have that. And I think this is one of the things that this week alone, actually, I heard from multiple clients where they were just like, the plan that my doctor has me on, it was a holistic naturopathic oncologist. She's like, I can't sustain this.
Brad Pitzele (07:16.302)
That's right.
Katie Deming (07:33.232)
Literally my protocol for healing has me busy from like 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. And so any way that we can simplify and reduce the time that's required to do the, you know, whatever interventions that you're doing and then also make them affordable and accessible, I think is really critical. And it's part of the solution is like, it's not just one thing. So we need to find ways to bring all of these different pieces in.
Brad Pitzele (07:38.626)
Brad Pitzele (07:56.012)
The Born to Heal Podcast is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for seeking professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual medical histories are unique; therefore, this episode should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease without consulting your healthcare provider.