FREE Guide “3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer That No-One Is Telling You”

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Episode 74 | Ask Dr. Katie Anything: My Cancer Philosophy, German New Medicine and Healing Emotional Trauma

Free Guide – 3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer:

Why are cancer rates rising sharply?

Dr. Katie Deming gets real about cancer care and emotional healing, including her thoughts on German New Medicine – a fascinating approach that links specific emotional events to different types of cancer.

Key Takeaways:
• A gentle way to release emotional trauma that actually works
• Which emotions might be tied to specific types of cancer
• Why common “health foods” could be wrong for cancer patients
• How to choose between functional and integrative medicine
• Simple daily practices that support natural healing

Cancer rates have risen sharply from affecting 1-in-33 people 100 years ago to nearly 1-in-2 today. Dr. Katie shares what she believes is behind this dramatic jump, blending her deep understanding of conventional medicine with what she's learned helping clients heal naturally.

She talks openly about why she stepped away from conventional medicine and how working directly with clients has completely changed her view of what cancer really is.

Sometimes the best healing comes from the simplest places.

Listen and learn how her clients have made remarkable progress without endless testing or complicated supplement routines, focusing instead on helping the body remember how to heal itself.

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Read the Transcript Below:

Dr. Katie Deming: [00:00:00] Did you know that half of all men and one third of women will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime? Today Jess joins me again for another ask me anything episode where I answer your questions about holistic healing and cancer We discuss how the mind body and spirit work together in healing my opinions on German new medicine And examining gentle ways to process emotional trauma.

Stay until the end to hear about three powerful techniques that can help you release emotional baggage without having to relive difficult experiences.

[00:01:00] Today we are doing another Ask Me Anything episode. And I've brought Jess Bubbaco, my team member on here to help answer questions for me. So welcome, Jess. Thank you for being here.

Jess Bubbico: Thank you so much for having me.

Dr. Katie Deming: So this, ~um,~ episode is kind of like a mixed bag of a lot of different things, but, ~um,~ We'll let you just kind of take it away and, and, and guide me with where we need to go here.

Jess Bubbico: Absolutely. We have a lot of people who are coming in who maybe aren't as familiar with your work, but maybe have been introduced to you by family or friends. Can you give us a brief introduction into your background and your philosophy on healing cancer?

Dr. Katie Deming: Sure. So I am a former board certified radiation oncologist. So I practiced radiation oncology for 20 [00:02:00] years and also served as a healthcare leader and healthcare designer, really looking at end to end cancer care from screening and prevention all the way through diagnosis and treatment to end of life.

And, or survivorship. And so I did, ~um,~ all of that for about 20 years. And then in 2020 had a shared death experience that really, opened me up to seeing that maybe what we were doing in Western medicine was not true healing and have spent the past four years. Educating myself on what cancer is and what does it mean to be a truly healthy human being and, , creating kind of a new approach for helping people heal cancer.

And I call my, uh, approach the conscious healing method. And it basically takes a premise that it's not about DNA damage and genetic mutations necessarily that cause cancer. [00:03:00] I Really through the past few years. And then also looking at the statistics of what's happening. So cancer has increased from being like one in 33 people getting it in their lifetime, a hundred years ago to now one in two men and one in three women.

This is exponentially risen along with a lot of other diseases like diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative disease. And all of that comes down to the fact that we're living in a very toxic world, and we are not getting the appropriate nourishment that our bodies are designed to receive. And actually, this leads to dysfunction of the mitochondria in our cells, which are the powerhouses.

So that's like the. Baseline of most of what I'm doing is helping people get rid of like detoxify their lives and their foods and the things that they're consuming in all ways from emotions to thoughts to, uh, You know, the way that they're [00:04:00] treating their body, the things that they're putting on their body, and then also getting the nourishment that we are designed to receive.

Again, that's physical food, you know, exercise, movement, connecting with the sun, grounding, and emotionally and mentally. So all aspects of that. And so those are the two big things is detoxification and then nourishment. But the other piece of this is that they, I really believe there is a big component of emotions to disease in the body.

And so I also use that information to help with the healing. So there's this aspect of emotional work and really. If you understand the way that the body responds to emotionally traumatic events, you can see that the body is actually trying to protect itself through that process, but it can lead to cells growing and causing cancer.

And so [00:05:00] that's another piece of it. So I'm really helping people with their mitochondria through detoxification and nourishment. and then healing the emotional issues that may be underpinning a response that the body is running to protect itself. And my, you know, someone just sent him email asking like, what research do I use?

And what I will say is that I'm using. Research from all avenues, but it's not necessarily the mainstream stuff that you're seeing because that's why I left Western Medicine is because I believe that the narrative that's being told to us on so many different levels, including about cancer, is just not correct.

And I do use data, but it's not in the way that I think someone might be thinking about from the Western perspective, because I'm just becoming more and more mistrusting of the information that is presented there. So that's a basic overview of what I do. And then I see people in consultation. That's the starting [00:06:00] route to come in with me, or I have an online workshop series.

That's a great way for people to start just to get to know what I do, but I see people, um, for decision, like treatment decision support or root cause evaluation of what may be the root cause of their cancer or holistic healing support. Um, and, and do that to like create a starting point for people. But hopefully that answers the question of who I am and my approach.

Jess Bubbico: Yeah, I think there's two main things that you said that I feel like are Important to kind of like pull out, which is number one, the idea that potentially some of the research that we see that gets funded. has an interest that's behind it. And that tends to be the research that we see plastered across the TV and the news and things like that.

And so being open minded to the fact that there is other research, but it might not be the things that come up as your first Google search results or the first thing on, I don't know, good morning [00:07:00] America in the morning or whatever it may be. So you're really taking research from different places.

Places that maybe might not even be as well known, but doesn't mean it's not as well. Uh, it's it's any less

important or valid that's the word I was looking for. Yes.

Dr. Katie Deming: Yeah, exactly. Well, and I think that is part of what is broken within the system, is that the money goes towards the drug companies that are funding these medications, but the research on the importance of eating a whole foods diet or water fasting, the money is not there, but it's not to say that these things not are not of benefit.

And so, yes, that's exactly the lens that I'm saying. When I say some of the stuff that we see in the mainstream, you have to understand who's funded that and what are the priorities around that getting that particular drug to market. So absolutely.

Jess Bubbico: And then the second thing which I think is like what makes you different and unique is that [00:08:00] you take a whole person approach to healing. So it's kind of easy to compartmentalize and go like, okay, yeah, let's look at the physical body. We're just going to look at the physical cause, but you're actually looking at the physical cause, the emotional cause, Mental causes and spiritual too, because you, you do talk about how this can be a big opening for people to come back home to themselves and start to learn to listen to their own intuition and things like that as well.

So, I think you, you're able to create a really holistic approach that looks at the whole person and all aspects of them.

Dr. Katie Deming: Exactly. Yeah. So it is a holistic approach and healing by definition means to bring wholeness back to the person. And that is absolutely what I'm doing. And also I want to bring up one other thing that is different about me. Is that I'm not a functional doctor. So I think in this space of like when people think of like alternative approaches to [00:09:00] cancer, which are outside the conventional lettuce, sorry, conventional medicine, um, paradigm, you know, you have functional medicine doctors, and then you have integrative doctors.

I'm an integrative doctor, which means I take more of a holistic approach, less Testing of every, vitamin and, uh, mineral in the body and a lot less testing and more use of whole foods and only supplements that we can't get through food. So my approach is just more, it's less about diagnostic testing, less about, you know, tons and tons of supplements and more about how do we get back to how we were designed and giving our body the nourishment that it needs through nature and through, um, What is naturally occurring in our environment.

And that is really different. If someone is looking for a functional medicine doctor, who's going to do a ton of testing and all of that, that's just not my approach.

Jess Bubbico: Amazing. [00:10:00] I think this is a really great lead into, and this is just like my brain is like, and I just really want to point out again, that idea that like, for you, you are really, the components that of the spiritual and the mental and the emotional, like you see it all. I think you can tell me, like, do you see that all as being equally important in the treatment of someone is like, again, yes, the whole foods and the physical, but the, uh, do the other pieces that are maybe more invisible than food and diet and things like that count just as much as the physical healing.

Dr. Katie Deming: Yeah. And I think though that it's different for each person. And this is one of the things when you see someone saying, okay, this is the approach that everyone's supposed to do. This is just, to me, That to me is a sign to say, Oh, wait, I'm not sure that that person knows because everyone is different and one approach is not going to work for everyone.

And so [00:11:00] those things that need to be tweaked are going to be different for each person, but they're all equally important to get them all aligned. But I will say the diet is foundational. If people don't get their diet right, the rest of it is actually hard because if you're not eating food that is nourishing your body and calming your brain and your nervous system, then it's hard to get out of the anxiety and the other things that may be causing emotional distress or problems from like, uh, Mental health standpoint, the getting your nutritional basis is foundational.

So I think diet is one of those things that is kind of the platform that we need to get right. The foundation and then, but all of these pieces are important. And. Like they're all going to be different for each person, how it fits in for you because that one person may have done a ton on their diet and they're doing great from their diet, but then they haven't done [00:12:00] any emotional work.

And so then we spend more time there. So the healing, the approach is going to be different for each person, but all of those things are important.

Jess Bubbico: Awesome. So I think this is a great lead into, um, what is German new medicine and what are your thoughts on it?

Dr. Katie Deming: So this is a question that's come up and I did an episode on the podcast with Melissa Sal last spring. So spring of 2024, we did an episode and she really went through the five biological laws of Germany medicine. And actually I got, you know, a lot of questions. A little bit of hate mail about that episode because German New Medicine can be controversial in the cancer space.

And the reason why German New Medicine can be controversial is because people who are purists of German New Medicine say that cancer or other conditions are caused by an emotional conflict. And as long as you understand the emotional conflict and you resolve that, [00:13:00] then the cancer will resolve on its own.

And so some people say, well, this is dangerous to have people, you know, not do any treatment and just do the emotional work. And then, you know, my experience has been that just doing the medicine alone may not be enough because I do think there's this underlying Um, issue with our mitochondria not being functional, but with all of that being said, I am becoming more and more interested in what German new medicine says about the emotional biological conflicts that are occurring.

Related to developing cancer and so I'm going to give a brief summary on German new medicine just for people who are not familiar But German new medicine was founded by dr. Homer. Dr. Homer was a German internist who? Practiced in Germany. This was like I think in the 70s and his son Around his [00:14:00] 18th birthday was shot unexpectedly and killed And shortly after that incident, Dr.

Homer developed testicular cancer himself, and he just thought this cannot be a coincidence that I had that tragic event. And then I developed testicular cancer so soon after it. And because he was the chief of internal medicine at a hospital in Germany, he started paying attention to the patients that came in with cancer.

And ultimately, he's developed this whole system that is now called German New Medicine. But the idea is that we experience a shocking event that's emotional, like that basically it shocks us and it's overwhelming emotionally. And you can think about this example of his son dying his son. an example of that, but it doesn't have to be that extreme.

But what happens is the person's perception of that event causes an impact on the brain. [00:15:00] And what he showed was that there are these areas that you can see, he describes them as target lesions in the brain, That develop, but the timing of them is specific related to the conflict, but basically that impact on the brain then sends a signal to a specific organ to do something, to protect the person from this emotional shock.

And we could just take an example of like breast cancer. So with breast cancer, it could be a worry conflict. Like say a mom is worried about her child because her child is, critically ill. And basically that causes this shock. This perception of the shock causes an impact on her brain. And then her brain sends a signal to the breast tissue to produce more breast glandular tissue to make more milk.

Because if she's worried about the survival of her child, The adaptive response would be to produce more milk to ensure the survival [00:16:00] of her child. And so this is kind of the concept and there's two phases to the, there's the conflict phase and then there's also a resolution phase and actually the development of a tumor is different depending on the type of cancer, whether you're.

Having the tumor develop in the conflict phase or in the healing phase. But anyway, the idea is that if you understand this conflict and then you can help the person come to resolution and then let the body run its adaptive process, it will heal on its own. And the thing that I'm finding is that these connections of the biological conflict with the type of cancer.

Is very accurate. And I'm starting as I'm starting to really probe into that. And because I was already doing the emotional work, I knew that there was this strong tie between emotions and cancer. And I was already doing that work with my clients, but having this understanding of these conflicts and then the tie to specific types of [00:17:00] cancer and specific types of conflicts being related to cancer, for me, I feel like that is accurate. Like I am, I'm seeing examples of that and I'm seeing a lot of clients now. So it's not like I'm just seeing like one or two people. I'm seeing many people and I'm starting to ask these questions and finding that it lines up. And so for me, German new medicine is starting to come into my practice.

I wouldn't say I practice like a purist German new medicine practitioner. But I'm using that information to help with the emotional healing related to the illness and then also doing all the other pieces that we need to help our mitochondria come back online and be functioning. So, you know, all the other things that I talk about in terms of.

Nourishing the body and detoxifying the body and, you know, healing the, using the power of mind, all of those things. I'm still doing all of that in spiritual alignment, but this piece of German new medicine, I'm starting to incorporate [00:18:00] more in the emotional work.

Jess Bubbico: It's going to be very interesting to see the patterns like as time goes on of what you notice with the different types of cancers and how that plays out over time.

Dr. Katie Deming: Exactly. Well, and that's what I'm finding is that when I, when I wasn't using that system, there were, there's a lot of things that, a lot, We in today's world experience a lot of emotional trauma in different ways and actually a cancer diagnosis So what's interesting is you can have a conflict that's running that leads to the diagnosis but then the diagnosis itself is another shocking emotional event and then you've got another process running and I think That this is where we're missing the mark with Western medicine and totally disregarding this emotional aspect of cancer.

And for me, this framework is just starting to help me see the patterns better and start to serve people in a way that, , is [00:19:00] targeting the issues that are related to the cancer. Because a lot of times people have lots of different emotional issues that are running at the same time, just because the world that we're living in today.

You know, is hard. There's a lot of hard stuff that people are dealing with and it's hard to know. Okay. What's contributing. So anyway, that's, I'm, you know, and I want to say that I'm, I'm learning and actually that's what this whole podcast is about is I'm taking you guys on this learning journey. And so as I'm seeing patterns and seeing things come up.

Um, I want to be sharing that and now I've been doing this practice for a year. ~So this is October, 2024 and ~I launched, you know, my practice very softly, kind of a quiet launch in October and then really got going kind of in February. So, um, yeah.

Jess Bubbico: podcast or something that you had done where you had talked about before you even. were working with German New Medicine, how you had noticed a pattern with cancer patients [00:20:00] that would, breast cancer patients that would come in and I think you had said there was like a saying of some kind, like the nicer the patient.

Dr. Katie Deming: The worst that they do. Yeah. Like we would say, Oh gosh, they're going to have it bad. Cause they were so sweet and nice and like doing everything to make everyone else happy. And now I'm seeing those are patterns. And particularly like with breast cancer, the people pleasing, The doing, you know, the person who takes care of everyone else who does all the things, , that is definitely something that I saw not only in my traditional practice, but now in this practice, but what's beautiful, what I love about this practice is that then we get to address that and look at, okay, what are your patterns that may be, um, Are making you susceptible to illness.

And part of that is learning how to set boundaries and starting to stand up and say what you need and making sure that people know if their needs aren't taken care of, they can't take care of everyone else.

Jess Bubbico: That's, [00:21:00] that's true. Yeah, very, very enlightening. And how often we go, well, that's just who I am, or that's just how I am. And so, ~um,~ yeah, that's really, really fascinating. That's coming up. ,

Dr. Katie Deming: ~Jess, can we skip the lymphoma? Marvin, if you'll just cut this part out, let's do the emotional trauma one. And then, um, and then we can close it. Cause I think that'll be enough for this episode.~

Jess Bubbico: So, ~um,~ how can you heal emotional trauma when it can feel so big or so hard to let go of?

Dr. Katie Deming: Sure. So this is a comment that we got on Instagram and talking in that the post I was talking about the importance of healing emotional trauma and the connection between emotional trauma and cancer from the ACE study. And what I would say to this is that, Healing trauma doesn't have to be hard. And I think this is something that, you know, and I'm not bashing traditional therapy. So I just want to say that, that I do think there's a role for traditional therapy, but in traditional talk therapy, where you're talking about an event and bringing up all those things, it can actually feel [00:22:00] traumatic to work through that.

And it can be effective at helping people release and, um, process trauma. But my experience is when people are sick, doing talk therapy is too much. It activates too much of the trauma again. And so the techniques that I use tend to approach the subconscious. And I talk a lot about psyche because that's kind of my favorite technique, because I feel like It is non traumatic way to release trauma without it feeling overwhelming and making you feel worse in the process.

And the reason why it's less traumatic is you don't have to go into all the details. You can identify something that is affecting you just from, you know, You can look at your patterns and see what you're creating over and over again and see, you know, what that ties back to. And if you can, you have a [00:23:00] provider that is skilled at this and can help you identify, then you can just basically work through the process of releasing it without having to talk through it all.

And so I think the thing about. Releasing emotional trauma or processing emotional trauma is the actual process that you use matters. And when you're sick, I would tend to use, um, techniques like psych K is a great one. Emotion code is another one that's good. That uses subconscious release. Biofield tuning is awesome.

If you don't even want to talk about it at all, because basically trauma. Is stored in our field, our energetic field and a biofield tuner can actually determine or sense where those blocks are and help move that energy through you without you having to talk about it at all. So for someone like this, who doesn't, you know, is really afraid of doing the emotional work, [00:24:00] biofield tuning might be a good way just to start to lessen that enlighten you.

And the one thing that I always use as a gauge to say whether emotional work. Is working for this process of healing, like in the way that I'm talking about is that you should feel lighter after you have sessions. So you will feel tired short term. So, like, right after the session, I tell people, if you're going to do like psyche or emotion code or biofield tuning, You take the next hour off.

So it gives you a little bit of time to integrate, but the next day you should wake up feeling lighter. It's like you've been carrying around rocks or boulders in your backpack. That's what emotional trauma is like. And as you start to take those boulders out, your backpack should feel lighter. And that's one of the ways that you know, if these techniques are helpful for you, or if it's making you feel worse.

That's a sign that maybe that's not the right provider that you're working with, or it's not the right technique and to try something else.

Jess Bubbico: Awesome.

Dr. Katie Deming: Awesome. So [00:25:00] that is everything they have for this episode. I hope you guys are doing these. Um, ask me anything. If you have a question that you would like to submit, you can submit them, um, on Instagram or Facebook.

You can also, we have fan mail where you can submit, questions that you want answers to. So thank you all for tuning in


The Born to Heal Podcast is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for seeking professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual medical histories are unique; therefore, this episode should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease without consulting your healthcare provider.

Meet Dr. Katie Deming,
The Conscious Oncologist

After spending 20 years in conventional medicine as a radiation oncologist and healthcare leader, I’ve learned there’s a better way to heal. Now, I go beyond the confines of conventional and integrative medicine to help my patients detoxify and nourish their full selves, so that they can activate their innate healing abilities.

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