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Episode 47 | Healing Power of Structured Water in Your Home with Hydration Foundation Founder Gina Bria and CEO of Spring Aqua, Kenny Liu

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Are You Chronically Dehydrated Without Even Realizing It?

Dr. Katie Deming sits down with two experts in the field of hydration, Gina Bria from the Hydration Foundation and Kenny Liu from Spring Aqua. You'll learn the cutting-edge science behind structured water and its potential life-changing impact on your health.

Gina, an anthropologist who has studied indigenous hydration methods, shares her groundbreaking research on the fourth phase of water and the connection between proper hydration and brain function. She reveals how chronic dehydration can interfere with cognitive function and contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Key Takeaways:
– Discover The Hidden Signs Of Chronic Dehydration And How It Affects Your Overall Health
– Understand How Structured Water Can Improve Brain Function, Cellular Repair, And Overall Wellness
– The Connection Between Hydration And The Health Of Our Planet's Soil
– How To Bring The Benefits Of Structured Water Into Your Home

06:05 – How Dehydration is Affecting Soil and the Planet
17:00 – The Link Between 5G and Your Body's Hydration Levels
21:38 – How Indigenous Desert People Stay Hydrated Without Water Bottles
31:54 – The Trick to Creating Structured Water in Your Home
36:20 – Add This One Ingredient to Water Can Supercharge Your Hydration

Gina explains the hydration methods that have been used by indigenous cultures for centuries. From the use of chia seeds to the importance of hydrating foods, she shares practical tips for optimizing your hydration levels.

Kenny Liu, the Co-founder of the Spring Aqua system and how it mimics the natural process of water flowing through springs, creating water that is pure and balanced. He shares his personal journey into the world of structured water and how it has changed his own health.

Dr. Katie Deming goes into the science behind how structured water can support your body's natural healing processes and boost your immune system.

Listen and learn practical tips from simple lifestyle changes to incorporating structured water into your daily routine.

Discover the importance of grounding, the role of sunlight in structuring water within the body, and how to use foods to enhance hydration.

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Read the Transcript Below:

[00:00:00] Dr. Katie Deming: Why are people living in indigenous deserts better hydrated than the average American? Today I'm joined by anthropologist Gina Bria, founder of the Hydration Foundation, and Kenny Liu, the visionary behind the spring aqua hydration system. You'll learn the cutting edge science behind structured water and why it's essential from everything from brain function to cellular repair.[00:00:22] Dr. Katie Deming: Personally, I've spent. a large part of the past year researching water filtration systems. And ultimately, [00:00:30] I purchased a spring aqua system myself because of their ability to turn ordinary tap water into fresh spring like water

[00:00:38] Dr. Katie Deming: stay tuned until the end because Gina and Kenny will guide you through the practical steps you can take right now to experience the life changing benefits of optimal hydration.


[00:00:49] Dr. Katie Deming: Let's dive in.

[00:00:50] Dr. Katie Deming MD: You're listening to the Born to Heal podcast, and I'm your host, Dr. Katie Deming. After two decades of practicing as an oncologist [00:01:00] and caring for thousands of patients, I've seen firsthand how our healthcare system places obstacles in your path to true healing. My guests and I will bridge the worlds of Western medicine and alternative healing to help you achieve optimal health.

[00:01:15] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Expect to uncover new insights, share a few laughs, and maybe even shed some tears. But most of all, we'll learn how to heal from within together. So let's dive into today's episode.

[00:01:28] Dr. Katie Deming MD: I am Thrilled [00:01:30] today to be joined by Gina Bria from the Hydration Foundation and Kenny Liu from Spring Aqua. Welcome Kenny and Gina.

[00:01:40] Gina Bria: Oh, glad to be here.

[00:01:42] Kenny Lu: Glad to be here.

[00:01:43] Dr. Katie Deming MD: What I would love to do is start by just having you introduce yourselves and, and a little bit about how you're connected, the two of you and the work that you do.

[00:01:53] Gina Bria: So the Hydration Foundation was founded in 2016, basically to launch TED [00:02:00] Talks on water, on especially unstructured water. And our first one out of the gate, of course, was Gerald Pollack, who had, identified already in lab the University of Washington, a phase of water that was, Let's say under recognized and also under utilized.

[00:02:16] Gina Bria: So this fourth phase of water is an extremely important new set of information. Of course, water's always been the same. It's been there. We just didn't know that, as water goes [00:02:30] through the vapor form off to the liquid form, then it, can manage itself into ice if it has the right temperature. There was a whole stage in between liquid and ice that's literally We can call it the plasma stage.

[00:02:44] Gina Bria: And this stage is what all our cells are with. And it does a different kind of labor than say vapor would do, which does own kind of labor or liquid would do its own kind of labor. So, this plasma state turns out [00:03:00] be extremely important to recognize and to, to know about, and to begin to utilize because it is the state inside every one of our cells.

[00:03:10] Gina Bria: In fact, all living things, all living tissue, the cell structure is filled with this fourth phase or more jelly like or plasma state. And this is really exciting because first of all, it tells us things about our bodies we didn't know before. We just knew there was liquid in there sloshing [00:03:30] around, but we didn't know that it gelled up.

[00:03:32] Gina Bria: And then the value of that gelled water.and doesn't have to be thick like Jell O, it's just a, a, uh, on a spectrum. The value of it, and I hope our whole conversation will center around this, is that it conducts electricity. That is the work of the fourth phase of water. And that's very exciting.

[00:03:53] Gina Bria: So once I kind of stepped into this new science, and I came into it as an [00:04:00] anthropologist from my work on how do desert people hydrate. Using gel plasma from plants like cactus, I began to recognize that, we need water recovery systems in our modern life.I got introduced to Kenny and Kenny, I was so impressed because the wet, the, and I meet many people who are doing a transfer into structured water states and we need it all over the place.

[00:04:28] Gina Bria: But why I love Kenny is [00:04:30] because he was, he had figured out a, natural way to do this without the interference of having to plug something into the wall, which by the way has its own problems, it interferes with the water's electromagnetic charge, the natural charge, and so this gravity fed system emulated water in natural environments like spinning down a waterfall or coming down a mountainside, how streams roll through, this [00:05:00] vortexing, part of and contact with minerals and rocks. is a beautiful, I would say bio mimicry, but it's not, it's actually bio. No need to mimic, this is what we're doing now. So, meeting Kenny and seeing that his device kept the intact natural forms of going about, getting water to pass into this that it wants to anyway.

[00:05:25] Gina Bria: We started working together on, agricultural devices. To get water [00:05:30] into the soil again. And he's was, he's just been a fantastic partner in doing that. So we have a good relationship. We talk about water day and night. We're on the phone all the time and we're scheming on behalf of how to recover water.

[00:05:44] Gina Bria: So that's meeting Kenny.

[00:05:46] Dr. Katie Deming MD: That is beautiful. I love that. And so tell us a little bit about that in terms of the agricultural work,

[00:05:55] Gina Bria: Once you vortex water in contact with minerals because they're picking up [00:06:00] the information and charges, and you put that into an irrigation system, you now literally have a different phase of water going into the soil. Well guess what's in the soil that needs hydration? All those microbes are basically dehydrated.

[00:06:14] Gina Bria: So that whole, material agency of soil, what soil is and what it's made up of. Is deeply dehydrated around the world. Our typical farming practices now have. interfered with the natural ways that water [00:06:30] collected and held, so when we put this phase of water back into the soil instead of just the liquid phase, often, you know, run through, I don't know, tap water treatment facilities that have also disorganized the water molecules so that they are chaotic and they can't cohesively,bring hydration through and by the way, all the information that those, they, they help that information channel with the mycelium under the ground.[00:07:00]

[00:07:00] Gina Bria: So I'm throwing a lot of words around here, but you can instantly get, oh my God, if we had better water for, we'd get better soil.

[00:07:07] Dr. Katie Deming MD: That makes sense. And on this show, you know, I've been talking a lot about water recently, on this show, and we've been talking about in relation to our body, but I love that you're bringing this up is that the water, you know, our soil is dehydrated and it also, all of the living organisms that are living on our planet in the soil also need the same things that we do.

[00:07:28] Dr. Katie Deming MD: And it makes sense that the [00:07:30] water that we are, you know, Using to feed the soil is really important. And so I love that. I love that you're bringing that piece in and, you know, I've heard you Gina describe before what water is. You described this whole idea of the plasma phase of water conducting electricity, but I'm wondering could you tell us, like, what is water in your mind?

[00:07:57] Gina Bria: Oh, that's so straightforward. So water is a [00:08:00] material. I mean, we all can put our hands in it, we can touch it, we get it. it's also a fuel. It's, it's, we don't realize that the, uh, the charges in water, the electrical charges in water. Which is what Jerry Pollack identified, that those charges are the fuel for, cell and tissue making, and tissue repair, and tissue building.

[00:08:25] Gina Bria: Right? So, it's that material, plus fuel, plus this [00:08:30] the breakthrough new science that's coming. It's really exciting. It's an information, network and, water as an information network, we're, we're just touching the beginning of exploring this very exciting way to understand that when the water molecules, when they're not chaotic, when they are, they begin to line up, they can pass information.

[00:08:52] Gina Bria: through these electrical magnetic charges much more coherently between cells inside of [00:09:00] ourselves and then between cells in, say, mycelium systems where the network underground can tell, you know, send information on to a tree in trouble or a set crops that a pesticide coming. Or just the general, Hey, how you doing?

[00:09:15] Gina Bria: This is the weather today. Everybody, the amount of information that's being passed around would, would put anybody in a Silicon Valley to shame if they really understood. This is what water is doing. This is it's real [00:09:30] work.

[00:09:30] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Yeah, that's, that's beautiful. And I think that this is something that is so new for people, even to think about water as information and then the coherence the water that we hold in our body. And Yeah. If we're holding coherent water, we're receptive to receiving this information. Whereas if the water is not coherent, we're not receiving that.

[00:09:54] Dr. Katie Deming MD: And then there's this big piece in that. So I, I love that. And [00:10:00] Kenny, do you want to tell us a little bit about your journey into water? How did you. Lands here.

[00:10:07] Kenny Lu: Well, learn a lot from Gina, Gina, when we met, it was a little bit later. I found out we're both kind of doing water. She was doing the hydration foundation. I was doing making the product. So it's two different, two different universes going at the same time. And it was only when one of my customers, Dr.

[00:10:23] Kenny Lu: Mann connected us. She, he said to us, we need to meet just because it's something we may have a great connection. And [00:10:30] so it was just a mutual meeting the first time on the phone, which lasted about an over an hour conversation. It was pretty cool. But what I learned is hydration is very important. I think, Gina's book, Quench, that talks about hydration, all the different remedies.

[00:10:44] Kenny Lu: The name hydration foundation, you know, um, she really helped me understand the greater masses on the larger picture that everyone's dehydrated and we got to get everybody better hydrated. And so, um, meeting her with that was a huge blessing because it [00:11:00] really helped our company transform into much of more of a broader heart centered, more of a kind of a embracing, right?

[00:11:08] Kenny Lu: Everyone. If you're talking about hydration, it's, it's literally everything from anything, but plants or humans or pets, it's everyone's included. you know, I, I was just doing business for many years and, I'm always good at building networks and, you know, in Asia, you have to have a network to do business.

[00:11:24] Kenny Lu: I was traveling between U S and Asia. Just to bring technologies [00:11:30] from both sides, kind of building that bridge. it was around 2014, I was going to a translating meeting.

[00:11:37] Kenny Lu: After that meeting, there's a gentleman called Mr. Hsiao, we call him BBH, just Big Brother Hsiao,he said, you know, Kenny, you're that kid I want to work with. Like, that's kind of how the whole journey started.

[00:11:49] Kenny Lu: And so, we, he said, come back to me in Taiwan and let's, let's meet up and let's talk. So I flew back. And, uh, he took me to a McDonald's. We sat down for breakfast.

[00:11:59] Kenny Lu: Then I found out, you [00:12:00] know, his background, you know, he had made EKGs, ultrasound, the first guy to make the Rubik's cube work. He got the development rights from the Austrian Hungarian developer inventor back in the late sixties.

[00:12:10] Kenny Lu: So I was on to something where I felt like there's someone that I could learn a lot from and potentially, you know, do some really good, really cool things. And then the water came from my dad's friend, Sam, who had one of his good friends, Professor Henry, had the original concept of the ecosystem in the box.

[00:12:27] Kenny Lu: And so when he brought that to us, I looked at it and said, yeah, [00:12:30] this is obviously it's important, but we didn't have the engineer yet. So, so that's kind of where my Godfather came in. You know, the professor had the idea. Someone has to make it. Has to deliver it and has to grow, make it grow up. So my role in the situation, how the water started was, I'm the guy that married the scientist and the engineer.

[00:12:46] Kenny Lu: Like I, I bridged that relationship and helped fund the startup back in 2014. Now, and so, I mean, this is a real simple concept with, you know, they were looking at the Springs around the Lord Springs in France, then they're [00:13:00] looking at Springs in Northern Springs. they had people that worked in the Himalayan mountains and then you meet Gina.

[00:13:05] Kenny Lu: She's working as an anthropologist with indigenous deserts, and isn't it cool to like, how do you figure people living in desert, what do they do to hydrate themselves? I mean, do you, do you eat the soil? I mean, there's no water, right? So, so all these different concepts are kind of brought together and I realized, huh, the desert people are actually eating plants.

[00:13:26] Kenny Lu: And that water in that plant, as you guys were talking earlier, is that [00:13:30] plasma structured water. So I thought that was pretty cool by learning that through Gina, but then that really helped us understand what we're making, because we're, we're in the same way mimicking natural spring water, by using different rock layers and, you know, different type of mineral stones that we figured out how to kind of copy the lords or copy different springs.

[00:13:47] Kenny Lu: That's what Professor was doing. So, so when Gina came to the picture, it really helped us understand Oh, that's the same thing as plant water or structured water or water we have in our like the cucumbers we eat every day or sometimes When we're thirsty we eat an [00:14:00] apple and we know that apple hydrates us more than a than a glass of water We have that feeling sometimes so she also taught you can also eat your hydration if you eat the plants and fruits So, so that's kind of how we started and eventually we had to figure out how to build this stuff and really learned.

[00:14:16] Kenny Lu: And a lot of our customers started calling this particular concept like an, like a ecosystem in the box. So thinking about 14 to 15 filters on your sink is like, wow, this is pretty cool concept. And then nicknames came out. Oh, this is like my mountain in the box under the [00:14:30] sink. So, so those are coolness or people will say, I just turned my tap water into spring water, you know?

[00:14:36] Kenny Lu: And along the way, we learned how to obviously produce really clean water, because that's a concern for everybody. We also learned, how to do the proper type of, um, remineralization, you know, to get the coherence of the water right. we also found and discovered, um, how to make hydrogen gas that's dissolved in the water using different types of minerals, just because we, we, we had some technology background, thanks to Professor Henry, how to make that work.

[00:14:59] Kenny Lu: [00:15:00] So, it just became a really cool, kind of a cool product. And with the Hydration Foundation, when we, when we collaborated with them, we learned, you know, the really the larger vision here is getting more and more people hydrated. And then the agriculture side of it was helping Mother Earth. You know, we, we learn, with all the different frequencies and the different, 5G and 3G and Wi Fi and pollution on the planet.

[00:15:23] Kenny Lu: It's affecting the, the, water on the earth, right? So the other vision that Gina and I learned quite a bit was how can we [00:15:30] take this water and help plants, and help earth, and help plants grow faster and create, create better food. So that's kind of the relation that we've had over the last few years.

[00:15:40] Kenny Lu: And the funny thing is we're both doing the same thing just on different paths. And we met a few years down the road.

[00:15:45] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Well, I love the synchronicity of, you know, how you came together to amplify the work that both of you are doing, you know, and, and how that aligns. Actually, you said something in there, Kenny, [00:16:00] that I want to ask about. You talked 5G and it affecting the hydration of the soil. Can you talk a little bit about the effects of high G and then.

[00:16:11] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Drinking the proper water and how that can impact that, because that is one of the things that, you know, especially for myself, as I've stepped out of Western medicine and looking at the things that make us sick, you know, we're surrounded by these potential toxins, [00:16:30] including 5G as one of And I'm wondering how water plays a role in maybe mitigating the effects of 5G since you brought that up with the agriculture.

[00:16:39] Kenny Lu: gonna, yeah, I'll make a couple statements, and then I'm gonna pass it on to Expert Gina because she knows a lot more about this. But, I mean, I always tell people, it's not that 5G is bad, we all use it, there's benefits off it, but certainly we have to, you know, there's things we have to do to remedy some of the effects, right?

[00:16:54] Kenny Lu: And so, um, when you drink structured water, you, you, you know, you actually bring coherence [00:17:00] back into your body, which helps a You know, fight against the 5G and, I think Gina, you want to share because you have so much more in detail about how that's affecting the earth in the water and all the experiments that people have done.

[00:17:11] Gina Bria: [00:17:30] Hello,

[00:17:36] Gina Bria: Korea, they were already at electromagnetic forces of water.

[00:17:41] Gina Bria: And, the famous studies with the water bridge where we can see water stretched between two beakers and how could it, how could that bridge hang there between, you know, water's just liquid. those studies have helped us understand that these forces. Force fields are changing how [00:18:00] the, changing the viscosity of water, changing the thickness and the dimensions, and that that thickness or density does different of work.

[00:18:10] Gina Bria: So when you interfere with those electromagnetic, naturally occurring electromagnetic fields, which are given off by the water molecule by something like foreign electromagnetic fields coming in. Now you're going to have an effect on the ability of water to connect and signal and [00:18:30] send that information.

[00:18:31] Gina Bria: So, the, you know, the 5G is concerning and, The, the flip side of that is having a full range of the kinds of water inside your body, including structured water, help mitigate those incoming,incoming fields. They buffer it. Water buffers it in a really profound way. I would like to just point out one other aspect of, the documentation that got done at the [00:19:00] Pollack Lab with, with Dr.

[00:19:01] Gina Bria: Gerald Pollack. Maybe, if I can do a shortcut to different phases of water doing different kinds of work. When water is in this gel like phase, not only is it able conduct much more cohesively electrical information, magnetic information, and these fields, but it is the of water designed by nature to self purify.

[00:19:25] Gina Bria: is when water purifies itself. it is called the exclusion zone and it [00:19:30] will press out any materials that are not supposed to be in water. So water can clean itself. That's amazing. actually it's doing it inside your body all the time. And that's what health So The fact that water can clean itself is a very important part of this conversation on how we're affected by electromagnetic fields.

[00:19:51] Gina Bria: So if you are electrically sensitive, need to help you up the amount of structuring in body, of that, [00:20:00] those water molecules aligning.

[00:20:02] Gina Bria: Okay. Does that make

[00:20:03] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Yes, absolutely. Well, and I love the way that you described that and then tied it back to the name that Gerald Pollack gave the fourth phase of water of exclusion zone, because some people are like, why are we calling it easy water? And it's like, because it excludes. And I love that idea or concept that water cleans itself.

[00:20:23] Dr. Katie Deming MD: It's so beautiful. And it's so intelligent. It's just beautiful, you know? So yeah,

[00:20:28] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Dr.

[00:20:29] Gina Bria: [00:20:30] All the research is looking at the electromagnetic forces in water. This is the frontier research and everybody's putting their efforts. There's a very, very exciting. The next door barn door after that the exclusion zone discovery. And we haven't even started exploit that yet. We, we don't, I mean, laying out the fact that water can fix itself. And if I could just make a little case of this, a picture for you, this is what's happening with microplastics. Why are there tiny microplastics all over the planet? [00:21:00] It's because water's been taking plastic and breaking it, dissolving until, know we're into micro pelts.

[00:21:06] Gina Bria: But if you give it enough time, it will clean up the plastic.

[00:21:10] Gina Bria: This

[00:21:10] Gina Bria: is what water is for. Part of what it's for. I mean, I love it. It's such a great partner. 'cause it does so many things. , you know, it. It purifies us. It cleanses us. It allows us to be better communicators. It allows us to receive far more information from the world around us.

[00:21:27] Gina Bria: Literally, if you're well hydrated, you [00:21:30] see more color. You see, you perceive silhouettes more sharply. I mean, name it. It's, it's all on hydration and the right kind of hydration. So I'm not saying we don't need liquid. I'm saying that we need the, the full way that nature works, that whole stretch, that it goes through all these phases, returns to itself clean, and then starts all over again as vapor.

[00:21:53] Gina Bria: It's really cool.

[00:21:54] Dr. Katie Deming MD: It

[00:21:54] Dr. Katie Deming MD: is so cool. And I love that you just said that about when we're well [00:22:00] hydrated it Improves all the functions like seeing more color. And I just had a conversation on the podcast was with Isabel friend, and she was talking about emotional processing and how, when we're well hydrated, we can manage our emotions more fluently as well.

[00:22:19] Dr. Katie Deming MD: So there's so many pieces. Can you talk a little bit about some of the different things that the body better when it's hydrated? Because I think that would be really helpful for the listeners.

[00:22:28] Gina Bria: Okay. Sure. [00:22:30] so start with the brain, imagine having much more, less static I mean, literally a lot health issues are about the electrical storms going on that can't quite, you know, the, the, the information across to the synapse, no brain is going to feel safe under those.

[00:22:48] Gina Bria: conditions, right? So this threat clutch that we're all in is partly can be alleviated if we were all better hydrated and more resilient and could have access, [00:23:00] to, to our higher thinking. I mean, we're, we're all operating on chronic low dehydration. We're just crew crews. We keep pushing through, but we're not, we're not in that amazing fluid flow state where you go through your day with resilience and, and pleasure.

[00:23:21] Gina Bria: We're all deprived.

[00:23:22] Gina Bria: Agreed.

[00:23:22] Gina Bria: that's just one. That's the brain that we can talk about. Do you need lymph? Do you need water for your lymph system? Mm hmm. Do you need water for your blood system? Yeah, [00:23:30] that's a good idea. Do you need water for your eye sockets to see with precision? You know, there's three canals in your ear, literally canals.

[00:23:38] Gina Bria: It's a water based system for receiving and for receiving sound. That's how we can hear. vagal nerves go to the nerve system, fascia, there isn't anywhere where the hydration is not running the system. And that is really my work at the Hydration Foundation is to help people get, you are far more [00:24:00] made of water than you imagine.

[00:24:01] Gina Bria: You're far more made of water. And if we can get, and, and, and guzzling will not help. we want to get into all these different ways of hydrating so that people have a sense, Oh, it's not just guzzling water. It's work is, is being a water being alive in a water system in a water world. now you can see why I love working with Kenny because he's got the whole picture.

[00:24:26] Gina Bria: Right? This is a very different colleague. And [00:24:30] I also really love Spring Aqua because they're one of the few companies that can actually scale at the level we need to help right now. So that's really important too. They have, you know, manufacturing facilities and customer service and they have somebody who'll call you back, you know,

[00:24:45] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Yeah, well actually that is how I, I met Kenny because I was on the site. I had already decided after doing my research that I wanted to get a spring aqua system. 'cause it was, it is the one system that does it all. That [00:25:00] basically puts a spring, you know, under your sink without the electricity in the issues that that cause.

[00:25:06] Dr. Katie Deming MD: And so I had put it actually on for my assistant to, you know, whatever. connect up. But I was like, I'm just going to call. And I happened to get at like five o'clock on a Thursday evening. Who did I get on the phone was Kenny. And I was like, this guy is very knowledgeable. And he's talking about, you know, the last time he was with Jerry Pollack.

[00:25:26] Dr. Katie Deming MD: And I was like, wait, are you the owner? And, uh, so talk about customer [00:25:30] service and really, you know, I, I learned so much just from like and we spent and he spent an hour on the phone with me teaching me So much and I think that's the beautiful thing about What you're doing kenny is that? It's helping the planet and helping people get access to water that should be available naturally for us, but given the environment that we're living in is not, and, and creating it [00:26:00] in such a way that also you know, you're educating and, Connecting all these pieces, I just think that it's the, the work is so beautiful and it goes so far beyond like, just this product.

[00:26:10] Dr. Katie Deming MD: And, you know, you, you see yourself as the bridge, you know, bringing the professor and the engineer together, but you're really serving as a bridge for so many things here. And and 1 thing that you said on the call that we had stuck with me, as you said, you know. Think about if everyone was drinking this water and [00:26:30] then putting that out in, you know, we, we're all systems of water and we're releasing our water through, you know, our urine and that kind of thing.

[00:26:37] Dr. Katie Deming MD: And if, if that is coherent, then this is what's putting back into the soil and the earth and just thinking about the. The whole ecosystem and how it, it all works together is, is so beautiful.

[00:26:51] Kenny Lu: There's so much to embrace because it's such

[00:26:53] Gina Bria: meet you now and learn from you because there's so

[00:26:56] Kenny Lu: different types of people, generations of people, different [00:27:00] genres as well, categories of life. You know, also now we talking about food, talking about agriculture. through Gina I learned really to embrace everybody, like, we're a big believer if people want to get better hydrated today, they should do it.

[00:27:13] Kenny Lu: There's no need to wait. One of the things you wrote in the book called chia seeds. Put chia seeds in a cup of water, doing right now when I travel, and it works and you just put any, any, um, you know, I usually get spring water on if I can and put it inside, but [00:27:30] that's kind of the heart of our company.

[00:27:31] Kenny Lu: We want to just help people. you know, they need to be hydrated today. There's ways you can do it They could also, you know, get one of our systems or they can just find other remedies, and then now when we eat because of plants and fruits and vegetables are all considered structured water or natural water, or, you know, I try to balance my diet a lot more now because I got to eat my salads and eat my fruits and vegetables because all that helps the hydration of the body.

[00:27:56] Kenny Lu: Right. Um, And one thing you guys talked about [00:28:00] earlier about the cleaning of the water, how it cleans itself, I always think about, it's interesting how when water starts on the surface of the earth, and it goes to all the different rock layers, somehow when it hits the well, it's clean, right? So I always tell people, think of that, just visualize what's going on there, like, and Gina's talking about all the different type of electromagnetic frequencies being emitted.

[00:28:19] Kenny Lu: Well, different minerals and different stones, as the water goes through every layer, it has a different type of, like every mineral has its own electromagnetic field. And as [00:28:30] water touches every little layer, it kind of, it, it, you know, the coherence changes. It changes until it gets, so that's in a sense of a natural way of, understanding exclusion zone.

[00:28:39] Kenny Lu: What's happening, you know, what's going on over there. so that's, I tell people, that's what's going on when, when they have a spring aqua system. It's literally 14 to 17 filters mimicking the natural rock layers of the mountain. But it's just in a much smaller box under the sink. It's a little bit different.

[00:28:55] Kenny Lu: The process is different. So, Yeah. the hydration is so important and [00:29:00] I, I can, I know from a lot of customers and also a lot of people that I've worked with and just even my family members, after the water, we feel like, yeah, you know we, we probably drink a lot in the very beginning, but we drink a lot less water now because do you know what I'm saying?

[00:29:12] Kenny Lu: You end up, you end up, you have to drink and eat and the ways to get hydrated, like, like eat the right type of food, drink the right type of water and also get in the sunlight. Right. Go take a walk, go exercise, get the water, get the sunlight in your body as well. So [00:29:30] all these methods, we tell people it's important to apply it all.

[00:29:32] Kenny Lu: It's better for everybody right away.

[00:29:34] Dr. Katie Deming MD: absolutely. Well, and I think that, you know, question for listeners, cause this is the question that I'm getting, the more that I talk about water, people are like, Oh my gosh, there's so many options. someone who's not ready, you know, to do a full spring aqua, they're just kind of on this journey.

[00:29:51] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Like, what is the simple, if someone, you know, wants to get started with their water is kind of working their way up, what

[00:29:57] Dr. Katie Deming MD: what would you describe as like the [00:30:00] most important

[00:30:00] Dr. Katie Deming MD: things that they could do? Yeah

[00:30:04] Kenny Lu: in people's minds, when we talk to them, there's a couple, two things that usually pop up. usually they want to know how to get the water cleaned. It's kind of a common thought process. And obviously, then, then, Some people may just stop right there and then most people would kind of go a little further.

[00:30:19] Kenny Lu: Once it's clean I really, I really want to understand how could it hydrate me, right? So, so cleaning water there's there's three three simple three basic ways. I mean there's [00:30:30] obviously this distillation of the water is one way It's really you know, that's 100 percent purity. You got reverse osmosis.

[00:30:36] Kenny Lu: People do that all the time, right? And they they take everything out. That's good and bad. And if you have this topic with Gina, there's no coherence The water is completely denatured, but the benefit is it's clean It's a very in a very effective and cheap way of doing it that gets rid of toxins But you gotta do something else with that water afterwards Right?

[00:30:55] Kenny Lu: So don't just stop. Um, you can also use some high pressure membrane like nano [00:31:00] filters. They're very expensive. They work really well. They don't, but it, that process doesn't do what the reverse osmosis or that they still do it completely denatures the water, but just takes out what's important that needs to come out.

[00:31:11] Kenny Lu: And that's kind of the technology we use a little bit different. Yeah. so once it's clean, then the next question is, um, what do I, how do I do it? What do I need to do to, create the coherence or make the water more hydrating? I've seen some people put that water in the sun. I've seen people do that. I've seen people definitely go buy chia seeds [00:31:30] at the ring that book quench or, talking to us. It's a very, very inexpensive of doing it. I also see people put some lemon in the water, right? There's ways to do it. Or add some Himalayan pinch of Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt in the water to create that.

[00:31:44] Kenny Lu: So there's ways to do that. Um, there's other devices in the market. You can purchase that um, traveling that can help as well. Yeah. Or they can go to full blown, uh, get one of ours is in the house that produces a 24 seven nonstop. Yeah. So I think there's many ways to [00:32:00] do it. And we're a believer of embracing all the methods.

[00:32:02] Kenny Lu: I think people need to be hydrated. And if you feel better hydrated tomorrow, how about just the next five minutes feel better hydrated? It's going to change, like you said, the way how the brain functions, going to change the way they see things, going to make them feel better. Yeah. So we're all about those type of remedies. and sometimes. I tell people just go, just go eat some apples and oranges, you know, you know, just consume better food And then after that go for a walk go take a walk for 30 minutes and you'll feel a lot better And I think I think I [00:32:30] learned a lot from you How Gina explains that because she doesn't she really looked at the ways to hydrate your body.

[00:32:35] Gina Bria: I love Yeah, I'm coming at it as an anthropologist, right? So my first step into this entire discussion field, whatever we want to call it, came from looking at indigenous methods of hydrating. And that led me to understanding that these, they were using cactus and chia seeds, which is a gorgeous plant.

[00:32:55] Gina Bria: Imagine if we were planting chia seeds instead of grape [00:33:00] fast. Soy fields, not only it's a hugely nutritious food, but that's a dream for another day. But what I'm saying is that, it was already a shock to find out that there are certain plants that are, are super hydrants so that you don't need the, to be drinking.

[00:33:16] Gina Bria: Cause no indigenous person I saw was carrying. water bottles, right? I mean, look at us. So we're really misunderstanding this whole, approach. So using food turns out to be an incredibly important [00:33:30] strategy and a good one I can hand you anything, any plant turns out to be a structured water device, right?

[00:33:38] Gina Bria: Any plant. However, I would hope that I could help you and your audience understand that you yourself think of yourself as a glass. You yourself are a body of water and you yourself are able to be a filter. And there's ways that nature is conspiring to do that work on your behalf, to change the [00:34:00] mol to put water through its whole phases in your body, because it wants you to be alive.

[00:34:04] Gina Bria: So it's figured out a bunch So there's two really important pieces here I'd really to add to what Kenny has said. One is sunlight. And the, rays coming from the sun, especially the infrared rays, go through your skin and they, they, re organize the water, the liquid water your body. to become more plasma so that [00:34:30] that is how a, literally how a cell grows. It's literally how a cell splits into two, and now you have a human, you know, in the amniotic fluid. I mean, the whole thing is a water system, right? That all happens because of the vitality of our exposure to the sun. And other electric fields.

[00:34:49] Gina Bria: And, so moonlight also, you know, you can raise your arms and go, this is crazy, but every indigenous culture will discuss moon and plant growth with you over a fire, as [00:35:00] long as you want. They have all information about how it works. And then grounding is essential. Getting your feet there. get it late.

[00:35:09] Gina Bria: Just Fling yourself down on spring grass, please. Just lay down, take off your shoes, your hands on the grass, and ride the back of Mother Ride the back of Mother It's going to love to take you for a spin. And you will walk up, having been deeply charged, realigning the water [00:35:30] make it all more efficient for you

[00:35:31] Gina Bria: for cell growth, cell healing, repair, and cell signaling, so they all know what they should be doing when. and then, you know, again, eating things like chia seed. We've actually tested chia seed to know that that's water. Putting salt, a

[00:35:48] Gina Bria: of

[00:35:48] Gina Bria: uh,

[00:35:49] Gina Bria: sea salt in your glass, of water.

[00:35:51] Gina Bria: You don't have put it every glass. Cap full of apple vinegar. Cheers. All these things are set up to, to, [00:36:00] inform your body, their signals that are really valuable and send in electric charge and help you and your tissues recover. This is what we need.

[00:36:10] Gina Bria: I

[00:36:10] Dr. Katie Deming MD: love that. And that is, I think this is the thing that's really helpful is for people to understand these tangible things that they can be doing to improve their body of water. And we've talked a lot about sunlight and grounding on the show and, um, I love this with the chia seeds. We've [00:36:30] talked about the pinch of sea salt, but not the apple cider vinegar.

[00:36:32] Dr. Katie Deming MD: I'm doing a capsule of that as well. So I thank you for sharing these and I love your perspective coming. You know, from the space of being an anthropologist and looking at, you know, I think nature is our best teacher and looking to how did we do this before we had the technology? Right? And like you said that they, they didn't carry water bottles or camelbacks.

[00:36:58] Dr. Katie Deming MD: They were eating. The [00:37:00] food in their environment that, that held the water and that we can use these simple, natural ways to get the water in the way that our body needs it for the proper signaling and the way that our bodies were designed to work. And one of the things for me, I, I care for people with cancer.

[00:37:21] Dr. Katie Deming MD: And I think when people get sick, especially with cancer, they start to mistrust their body. And think that something [00:37:30] wrong and, and what I love about these simple things that you're about is like, no, our bodies are actually designed to function divinely and in such a beautiful, beautifully orchestrated way, but we need to give it the right inputs, right?

[00:37:46] Dr. Katie Deming MD: And we're human beings living on planet earth, and we are 99. 9 percent water by molecule that it just makes sense when you start to understand it. But I think. That we've gotten so disconnected in modern industrialized [00:38:00] society that we forget the simple like nature of all of this, that if we can simplify and bring it back and, and understand.

[00:38:10] Dr. Katie Deming MD: The importance of water is the foundation of life for us. It's just, it's really beautiful. So I, I love the work that both of you are doing. I'm so grateful to have spent this time with you. And I know that my listeners are going to, going to love this episode. I'm wondering, can you tell us where find both of you?

[00:38:29] Dr. Katie Deming MD: [00:38:30] And we'll link in the show notes to these as well.

[00:38:32] Dr. Katie Deming MD: So the links will be there, they can

[00:38:34] Kenny Lu: a link that the um, that I can give you that, that I think just be the kind of feedback to this particular podcast. And, uh, like what, how you experience, By getting on the phone with us, um, same thing will happen for all the potential interested clients. You can always just go onto the website, you can always schedule a call.

[00:38:51] Kenny Lu: It's going to be either me or you. Aaron, which Gina knows really well too, she's an amazing person. Um, um,the other one is Autumn. But one of us will be there to [00:39:00] help answer any questions, like what we did with Dr. Katie, what we did with you. we'll give that wholesome approach, the heart centers approach.

[00:39:06] Kenny Lu: Provide the educations that people can be properly educated and they can make a good decision on whatever they want to do. We understand that people have obviously in this market, there's a lot of different things people may have invested in in the past. We're very sensitive to that. I give an analogy sometimes. We buy a 50 inch TV for 1, 000 this year, but next year, an 80 inch comes out for half the price. We totally get it. So we embrace all different [00:39:30] people. And the key that comes out is just building that relationship and educating the people. I think that's, that is where, at the end of the day, letting them understand that they can do things for themselves.

[00:39:39] Kenny Lu: They can make decisions, right? And just to help them along. So, our company has, we have that big heart, and we've learned to have that heart because we're dealing with water. Yeah. And so, so that heart's in an approach on an educational approach and also permission approach. We want, want to make sure we actually have the permission to educate them as well so that they know that we're all about the love, all [00:40:00] about the education, and we'll always be there, you know?

[00:40:02] Kenny Lu: So thank God they can schedule time with us anytime on our website and we would love to chat or send the information they might need. And I think with Gina, you can just go get her book.

[00:40:12] Gina Bria: Thank you, Kenny. You know, as you're talking,

[00:40:15] Gina Bria: I, I had an insight and I, I'm excited to say it, which is, you know, when you're well hydrated, you, you have time. For, for relationships. You have time, you have time to talk to people, you have time to listen. [00:40:30] There's a buffer in your tissues. There's not this clutch all the time of, I've got to get to the next thing, or I've got to hurry up and make a sale, or I've got to hurry up and write this, you know, this thing has, this email has to go, the kids will be home on the bus by three.

[00:40:44] Gina Bria: You know, that clutch is, hydrated. You're not, you're not in, dehydrated, all shriveled up. You're, you, we have time. to be together like this. We, it makes sense and we enjoy it, you know. So, [00:41:00] yes, so I hadn't put, one of the benefits of being hydrated, it's more time for relationship. But I realized in this conversation that I can see that's really happened.

[00:41:09] Gina Bria: And I do see it among the indigenous as well. So, so to your point, Katie, we are at, hydrationfoundation. org. This is our work. We love, love doing it. We were founded in 2016. You can find all sorts of information. We're in a, in a big, uh, redo of our website. So we're going to have,[00:41:30] Lots more of the latest research that's up there and, we'd love to have you come visit us hydrationfoundation.

[00:41:37] Gina Bria: org. And we also, I also co wrote a book called Quench and it's a, five day plan to optimal hydration. It discusses all this science in a very, uh, lay friendly way. Plus there's 50 recipes which are really, really fun. So including in that is the recipe that I developed from the Tarahumara tribe who run 50 mile [00:42:00] marathons on two tablespoons of chia seed and some corn beer.

[00:42:04] Gina Bria: So there you go.

[00:42:05] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Wow. Wow. Well, I, that is fascinating. So thank you to both of you. Thank you being I it's, it's,

[00:42:14] Dr. Katie Deming MD: been a real pleasure. here to talk,

[00:42:17] Kenny Lu: I've

[00:42:17] Kenny Lu: learned so much by hanging out with you two and I'm, I'm, I'm here to learn more so, and grow.

[00:42:22] Gina Bria: Thank you.

[00:42:23] Dr. Katie Deming MD: Thank you for joining me on Born to Heal. It's been a [00:42:30] privilege to share this time with you, and I hope that today's episode has offered you valuable insights on your journey toward optimal health. Please consider subscribing, sharing this podcast with your friends, and leaving us a review. To learn more about how you can work with me, please visit katydemming.

[00:42:47] Dr. Katie Deming MD: com. You can find additional resources in the episode show notes linked below, and remember to join us next week as we continue to explore more holistic approaches to healing. Until then, [00:43:00] this is Dr. Katie Deming reminding you that just like me, you were born to heal.

The Born to Heal Podcast is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for seeking professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual medical histories are unique; therefore, this episode should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease without consulting your healthcare provider.

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The Conscious Oncologist

After spending 20 years in conventional medicine as a radiation oncologist and healthcare leader, I’ve learned there’s a better way to heal. Now, I go beyond the confines of conventional and integrative medicine to help my patients detoxify and nourish their full selves, so that they can activate their innate healing abilities.

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