FREE Guide “3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer That No-One Is Telling You”

Virtual Workshops

I offer a variety of live and recorded workshops that dive deep into the detoxification and nourishment processes necessary for total healing. Whether you’re looking to focus on a specific area of your healing, or simply want a self-guided option to dip your toe into, below you’ll find my current and upcoming workshops that cover all aspects of healing from cancer.


The Six Pillars of
Healing Cancer


($693 Value)

Want access to all six workshops that address the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of healing cancer?

Save when you buy the workshop bundle!

The workshop bundle includes all individual recorded workshops below:

Individual Recorded Workshops


Workshop 1:

Healing Cancer Through Nutrition

Unlock the keys to healing cancer through nutrition. No more guessing what you should or shouldn't eat. Learn three simple strategies to combat cancer via diet.

Workshop 2:

Addressing and Processing Your Emotions

Emotional trauma = high risk of cancer. Learn how to release and process emotions so you can heal.

Workshop 3:

The Healing Power of Water

Water is way more complex than we are led to believe, and is crucial for preparing our bodies for miraculous healing. Learn how to get your water right for healing cancer.

Workshop 4:

Physical Practices to Enhance Your Healing

We are designed to receive nourishment from our physical environment via the sun, earth, water, and air. Learn the five best biohacking practices to combat cancer.

Workshop 5:

Leveraging the Power of Your Mind

Your mind is incredibly powerful, and is crucial in your healing journey. Did you know you can actually learn how to program your mind to activate your innate healing abilities? This workshop will show you how.

Workshop 6:

Spirituality and the Impact it Has on Healing

Reconnecting with self activates higher levels of consciousness which facilitates healing. Learn three ways to leverage spirituality in healing cancer.

Upcoming Live Workshops

UPCOMING LIVE WORKSHOP: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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Learn the 3 things you need to know about cancer that no one is telling you.