Free Guide – 3 Things You Need to Know About Cancer:
Could the water you drink be working against your body's natural healing ability?
Explore groundbreaking research with Dr. Katie Deming and Mario Branović as they discuss the technology and healing benefits behind the Aǹalemma wand. Developed over 15 years by scientists worldwide, their research reveals how water's molecular structure influences our biological functions in ways previously unknown.
Recent studies suggest that water's coherence – its molecular organization – plays a vital role in our health, from cognitive function to digestive health. Through carefully designed research including twin studies, microbiome analysis, and soil restoration experiments, scientists have documented remarkable changes when water achieves a coherent state.
Key Takeaways:
• How coherent water impacts brain wave patterns within minutes
• Why cellular energy production increases by 30% with structured water
• The connection between water structure and gut bacteria balance
• Simple ways to enhance your water's healing potential
• The environmental benefits of structured water for soil health
Learn how this structured water technology impacts cellular energy, balances gut bacteria, and influences brain wave patterns. This conversation bridges the gap between cutting-edge science and practical application, showing how coherent water could support your body's natural healing processes.
Traditional cultures have long revered water as more than just H2O – they understood it as a carrier of life force. Modern science now validates this ancient wisdom through advanced research techniques, showing how water's structure influences biological systems at the molecular level.
The implications extend beyond human health – coherent water shows promise in environmental restoration, potentially offering solutions for soil regeneration and sustainable agriculture. This technology represents a unique intersection of human wellness and ecological healing.
Listen, learn, and discover why the structure of your water may be just as important as its purity.
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[00:00:00] Dr. Katie Deming: What if the quality of the water you drink could boost your energy, help your brain work better, and even help your body heal? Today I sit down with Mario Branovich, CEO of Earth Technologies and creator of Analema Water, After 15 years of research with scientists worldwide, Mario discovered how to make water work better for our bodies. ~His studies found that people who drank this transformed water had better energy, better brain function. ~His studies found that people who drank this transformed water had more energy, better brain function and improved gut health.
[00:00:30] Dr. Katie Deming: You'll learn why the water you drink matters more than you think and simple ways to make your water work better for your health. Stay until the end to hear an incredible story about how Anilema water brought dead soil back to life and what that could mean for your own health journey. Let's dive in.
[00:00:58] Dr. Katie Deming: Hello, I'm Dr. Katie [00:01:00] -Deming, and this is the Born to Heal podcast where we explore holistic practices to heal and prevent cancer naturally. I'm excited today to welcome Mario Branovich. Welcome to the show.
[00:01:14] Mario Brainović: Thank you so much, Katie. It's really my pleasure to be here to talk about this really important and very interesting topic.
[00:01:19] Dr. Katie Deming: Well, Mario You're the developer and also the CEO of Earth Technologies that developed the Analemma wand and actually that's really what brought me to you and interested in bringing you onto the show. And so I would love to maybe have you talk a little bit, just tell us how did, how did you come to this?
[00:01:41] Dr. Katie Deming: How did you come into the world of water and developing the Analemma wand?
[00:01:47] Mario Brainović: So I was always very, very passionate about health and wellness. I always knew that there is this, that our bodies were created perfect. And I always knew that there is this extraordinary innate process in our [00:02:00] bodies that, that the ability of the body to basically heal. I truly believe that there is this higher intelligence of life happening within the body.
[00:02:10] Mario Brainović: So, and I was always very passionate about finding ways to assist that natural process in a powerful way. This led me, I opened a natural pharmaceutical company, uh, and I introduced really a lot of, uh, Phenomenal, uh, medicines. And I really helped thousands and thousands of people doing that. And it was a hugely gratifying process because I truly believe that there are very few things you can do with your life and with your time, if you can really help people feel good, that is like the best thing that you can do.
[00:02:41] Mario Brainović: So anyhow, I did this for, for many years. Then I decided to move on. I sold entire business to Walgreens and then I was thinking, okay, uh, I want to throw myself again into something, but I wanted something that is going to help people, help animals, help [00:03:00] plants, help environment, something that is truly for the highest good of all.
[00:03:04] Mario Brainović: And I really meditated upon that and as universe provided. I got acquainted to Dr. Eric Larker. He's actually the genius behind NLMWater. He actually created NLMWater. Uh, when I got involved in the project, uh, what I brought is a clinical research side of things because this is what I was doing. So I brought a lot of human clinical trials.
[00:03:32] Mario Brainović: I designed studies so that we can really definitively prove that something biologically remarkable happens when people drink this water. So this is how I kind of went in to tell a little backstory on NLMA. This is like 15 years in the making. Um, 50 plus scientists on three continents were working on this project. And so it's really, it was a huge project and we didn't even [00:04:00] want to come. To, uh, to offer it to the world before we did a lot of research on it. Our early research was actually, we proved in the beginning that the water changes, we did the near infrared ultraviolet visual spectroscopy, but more, most importantly, we did biophoton research.
[00:04:19] Mario Brainović: We picked up a lab, whole lab from a famous German scientist, Dr. Fritz Albert Popp. He developed this technology, which can capture biophotons. Okay. So every living thing exudes these tiny particles of light called biophotons. And we very early on in our research realized that when you change the water and you water the plants with it, plants start to exude enormous amounts of light.
[00:04:47] Mario Brainović: That's where we realized, okay, we have something special here.
[00:04:51] Dr. Katie Deming: I love that. And I love that you wanted to demonstrate the research to bring something like this to market. Cause I think, [00:05:00] you know, my listeners will know this, but you don't know this that, you know, I talk about water all the time and there's a lot of skepticism. People are like, well, You know, it's just water.
[00:05:10] Dr. Katie Deming: What's the difference? And so really having the research and evidence to demonstrate the changes that you can make with different practices to the water, I think, is so important. So I love that. And I'm wondering if we can share what is the on the limo one so that people, those who are not familiar can understand what this technology is and how it works.
[00:05:34] Mario Brainović: So early on we realized that Basically, almost all water on the planet exists in what we call a chaotic state. So it's still H2O, but the behavior of H2O molecules is what makes the difference. H2O molecules in chaotic water, the H2O molecules move randomly, they crash into each other constantly. But since all of this is happening on an atomic level, nobody's really aware of [00:06:00] that.
[00:06:01] Mario Brainović: We found way to bring harmony into that chaos. Colloquially speaking, what we found is that there is a way for those same chaotic H2O molecules to join hands. They start to, the water moves in unison with itself. So water enters into a liquid crystalline state. And through that unique process, water actually becomes alive, it becomes empowered, and it starts to do for our biology what I believe, truly believe, nature intended for water to do.
[00:06:35] Mario Brainović: I, uh, just to explain it in a simple way so that people can understand. At least, uh, wrap around, uh, wrap their minds around the concept. If you take a five watt light bulb, it will give you some light. But if you take a five watt laser, which is a coherent structured form of light, you can drill a hole through your table.
[00:06:59] Mario Brainović: So it's the same [00:07:00] power. The only difference is in the focus of it, in the coherence of it. That's where it's true power is being unleashed.
[00:07:09] Dr. Katie Deming: And so. Tell us the, the anilema wand, how, what, what does it look like just so that people can picture what this, you know, what it looks like that you're doing this to energize and create the water into this coherent state with this.
[00:07:26] Mario Brainović: Cool. So it really gets interesting. It's so elegant, but let's kind of take, um, one step back. it takes one full year for us to bring chaotic water into what we call The mother water, it actually, uh, requires, uh, precious metals. It takes lightning even in one part of the process, but it's a proprietary process.
[00:07:51] Mario Brainović: So we don't like to talk about it too much, but just so you know, it takes one full year for us to create what we call the mother water. When water [00:08:00] enters into this very special. and particular state. It never goes back. We actually tested it for seven consecutive years. Water never goes back. Even if you do various things to it, you radiate it.
[00:08:13] Mario Brainović: You do stuff that usually brings water into chaos. This water actually persists very much. ~So, uh, what we do~
[00:08:21] Dr. Katie Deming: ~Can I ask a question? Yeah. Can I ask a question there? ~So. This is different than than like exclusion zone or easy water. I've had Gerald Pollack on the show. And so many of my listeners are familiar with that. And easy water degrades over time. You know, it's you can increase easy water with infrared and other mechanisms, but it doesn't maintain that over time.
[00:08:45] Dr. Katie Deming: So this is different from
[00:08:47] Mario Brainović: is different. Yes. Jerry's a dear friend of ours. So everybody in the water science science community. Everybody knows everybody. So we actually compared easy water exclusions on water and our [00:09:00] water. We came to it in a completely different way. Uh, way, and there are very big differences in the effects as well.
[00:09:07] Mario Brainović: The main thing, there are actually other scientists which developed some sort of coherence through vortexing, through magnets, through crystals. But, uh, we tested almost all of them and they do actually bring water in, in structured state. But the, this structure lasts anywhere between a couple of minutes and day and a half, and then the water molecules break.
[00:09:30] Mario Brainović: And the water goes back into chaos. With anolemic water, that doesn't happen. So even if you would treat the water just once, and leave it for years, it would never go back to chaos. That's why it's so special. ~So, what we did Mm mm.~
[00:09:43] Dr. Katie Deming: Is it H3O2 then? It's, it's, is it creating easy, when you, you know, you describe the, um, water molecules linking hands. This is, is it, is it, is it in the form of [00:10:00] H3O2 and then, and then there's something else happening, or is it not that, is it completely different?
[00:10:05] Mario Brainović: a completely, which, which also, which is totally cool to see how incredibly water is, how incredible it is because it can form various shapes, sizes, forms. It can form various structures and every single one has particular effect. What we found is that mother water that we created is the most dominant positive state.
[00:10:32] Mario Brainović: water can exist in. And since water always picks up the most dominant frequency of its environment, this is where the elegance of it and beauty of it is. We actually took the mother water and we put it in a crystal vial and there is a holder on top. So, uh, this crystal has twofold purpose. First, of course, to create the barrier between the mother water which is inside and the rest of the water because you have to swirl through the [00:11:00] water.
[00:11:00] Mario Brainović: But more importantly, crystal serves as a superconductor. It allows the frequency of the mother water to pass through without any loss. So, what happens when you take the wand and you submerge it in water and you start swirling? Any H2O molecule that comes into close proximity to the mother water, since water always picks up the most dominant frequency of its environment, so all the chaotic molecules, they start to mimic the structure of NLM water, of mother water.
[00:11:30] Mario Brainović: So when you swirl, after 30 seconds, in an effect what you get is a glass. of mother water. Its true power is being unleashed. And when you drink it, you have the effect. So maybe now it's a good, uh, time just to jump in the first human study that we did, which is really, really interesting. This is the first powerful and irrefutable evidence that something really remarkable is happening there.
[00:11:55] Mario Brainović: So since this water is, um, Let's call it electromagnetic [00:12:00] phenomenon. We were thinking, what's the most electromagnetic part of human biology that we can very accurately measure? It is our brainwaves. So we actually took QEEG, we took, it was a double blind, gold standard study, we actually took Uh, two genetically identical twins.
[00:12:20] Mario Brainović: We put QEEG equipment on their heads. Uh, doctor administering the water didn't know which one was which. Twins didn't know which one was which. They just, uh, uh, got glasses of water to drink. And we monitored their brain waves to see whether something would happen. So the twin that took a couple of sips of regular water, as you would expect, we saw nothing.
[00:12:41] Mario Brainović: So there was literally no change in the brainwave patterns. But almost as soon as the twin did two couple of sips of enolamo water, there was almost instant better connection between the left and right hemisphere of the brain and almost instant harmonizing effect on the brainwaves. There is, there was this delta [00:13:00] coherence that usually happens when people are either meditating or in a, or taking a small doses of psilocybin, which was really interesting.
[00:13:09] Mario Brainović: There was this whole connection that happened. So, this was really, really surprising because we didn't expect that the effect would happen so fast. And three weeks later, we repeated the experiment, but we gave now NLMO water to the other twin. And we saw exactly the same phenomenon. I mean, these are two genetically identical twins, so it's like you copy pasted the effect.
[00:13:33] Mario Brainović: While the first twin now that took a couple of sips of regular water There was nothing. So this was really first powerful proof. If you drink this water, you are going to have almost immediate effect. And most people actually can sense it. Usually people sense it. They're not sensing it through brainwaves.
[00:13:52] Mario Brainović: They're sensing it through taste. 95 percent of people, as soon as you kind of take a couple of sips, you see the [00:14:00] difference. Immediately.
[00:14:01] Dr. Katie Deming: This is incredible. I love actually the research and I love the twin experiment. Like what a beautifully designed experiment to show that. And I love that you saw it exactly the same when you reversed, you know, the experiment with the opposite twin. And for my listeners, I want to bring attention to something that he just described of the, uh, Activating of both sides of the brain together, because this is part of the work that I do with my clients is that, and this is from an emotional standpoint that people are much better able to manage their emotions.
[00:14:38] Dr. Katie Deming: and process through emotions when both sides of the brain are activated. And in my practice, I do that through techniques of activating the corpus callosum, which is the part of the brain that connects the two hemispheres. And I do that to teach my clients how to learn how to be with emotions, especially someone who's healing cancer and there's so much [00:15:00] fear and anger and shame and guilt and all of these, you know, what we call negative emotions that come up.
[00:15:07] Dr. Katie Deming: Learning how to process those in a healthy way is really, really important and also in a fluid way. And so what Mario's describing here is that this water is having a similar effect on people. And I'm curious, actually, Mario, if you have. Any data around like emotions or, you know, mental wellbeing with the use of the NLM a wand, and I'm kind of curious where that is, but I wanted to call attention to that because this is a big part of my practice is teaching people how to activate both, both sides of their brain.
[00:15:41] Dr. Katie Deming: And so I think it's incredible that this, you know, the NLM one is doing that by, you know, creating the mother, the water, and you're able to drink that.
[00:15:50] Mario Brainović: Yeah. I mean, we haven't done studies on the emotional side of things, but what we really kind of, we're receiving thousands of letters from all over the planet where people are having [00:16:00] crazy results with the water because it always, when, what happens is when you drink coherent water, your entire system, Goes into the state of coherence.
[00:16:09] Mario Brainović: And that in and of itself has a profound effect on basically any area of life. We proved it through several double blind placebo control studies. The biological effect and the effects on health will go into all of those. But I would like to just to share one, something that I'm pretty sure you're going to find very interesting.
[00:16:29] Mario Brainović: To me, it was like, my mind was blown. And to be honest, this is The main impact we believe this water has, it has a spiritual effect. We call it conscious water because of it. And I will tell you why early are in our early research. We actually took seeds, this tiny pieces of life. They're tiny and they're very simple.
[00:16:51] Mario Brainović: And we watered some with regular water, some with NLM water, and we monitored biophoton emissions. So the, the seeds that were watered with [00:17:00] regular water, we saw nothing really special happening, like you would kind of expect. But almost as soon as we started to water the seeds with NLM water, we started seeing the peaks and valleys of biophoton emission, like the seed started to breathe.
[00:17:18] Mario Brainović: in and breathe light in and out, but in a very long form. We couldn't figure out what was happening there. And we actually connected to other scientists. And after a while, we realized that it started to follow the tides. So enamel water connected this tiny piece of life to the circadian rhythm of nature.
[00:17:43] Mario Brainović: It connected this tiny piece of life again to its larger electromagnetic environment. So it's not only connecting you within yourself, it's connecting you with what's relevant to you. On the planetary level, I would [00:18:00] say, because this is exactly that. So, we feel that it connects you to the natural rhythm of life.
[00:18:07] Mario Brainović: You're moving with the Earth, so to speak. You're no longer disconnected, both from yourself and from people and the environment. You're actually A part of it, and this again has profound effects on every part of human experience, I would say.
[00:18:26] Dr. Katie Deming: Yeah. And that is another part of my practice is teaching people that part of what's making us sick in the modern world is this disconnection from nature. And so I love, I love that. I think that that is beautiful and you know, this is one of the things coming from conventional Western medicine into a more natural space.
[00:18:47] Dr. Katie Deming: People think the moons and like all of that is just like, you know, hocus pocus and has no impact on our health, but. If you look at everything about us is [00:19:00] with, if we are living in harmony, our bodies are in rhythm. If you look at women's cycles, they go with the moons and what the moon, you know, help the tides go with the moon.
[00:19:12] Dr. Katie Deming: Right. And so the water, we are bodies of water. We are, you know, 99. 9 percent water by molecule, 70 percent by volume. And it makes sense actually, that we would go with the cycles of the moon and the natural phases of the earth with the sun. So I just. I love that. I think that that's beautiful. It's just, it's really so simple yet so profound.
[00:19:39] Dr. Katie Deming: This is what we need to do to bring ourselves back to health is to come back into connection with nature. And that's one of the biggest problems that we have in modern society.
[00:19:51] Mario Brainović: I agree with you 100%. And this is why we believe, I know it's a spiritual thing to say, but, uh, we believe that mother earth is the hidden [00:20:00] voice of this project because, it brings, we are part of the planet earth. We are earth. And if we are disconnected from the earth, we are disconnected from ourselves.
[00:20:12] Mario Brainović: And the only way to realize our fullest potential is if we really live in a deeply connected way. And again, I really think that that reflects on, on everything.
[00:20:26] Dr. Katie Deming: Yep. And, you know, if you go back and you study ancient wisdom, that it's the foundation of all religions, it's basically about connection. It's about connecting with Earth, that we are one with Earth and every other being that is on it, and that That connection is really the source of life, you know, and, and so for me, I practice every morning when I wake up, I just did an episode where, you know, people can ask me anything.
[00:20:59] Dr. Katie Deming: And [00:21:00] on one of the episodes, it was about what is my wellness routine. I start every morning by connecting with the earth and connecting with all of the plants and animals and all of the beings that are on the planet and connecting with that oneness. So I just love that. And I do believe that this is spiritual water is absolutely one of the most spiritual topics that we can talk about.
[00:21:26] Mario Brainović: I agree with you 100% and, and it's so cool that I can speak about it because mostly, you know, I, I, I, I've been on a hundred podcasts and I've been to various doctors, podcasts and, and biohackers and everything, and some people are open to that and some people aren't. And then I go to hardcore science and to biological effects and, you know, all the studies that we did on human body.
[00:21:47] Mario Brainović: But to be honest, all of this is totally cool. And that's why we're investing so much into science so that people can know if you drink this water, you're going to have a profound. Sound effect on your health and wellness. But there is this element [00:22:00] that connects you to life itself, which is truly what we believe this water is about.
[00:22:06] Dr. Katie Deming: Well, and water is the source of life.
[00:22:08] Mario Brainović: What is the source of life? I agree with you 100%. Yeah. And, and, you know, Nicola, Nikola Tesla, like, I believe the greatest scientist of all time, he said, If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. And why the water is at the very heart of it? Because water is a broadband absorber, receiver, and transmitter of energy, frequency, and vibration.
[00:22:32] Mario Brainović: It's at the very heart of life. I truly believe that the spirit marries the form through water.
[00:22:38] Dr. Katie Deming: Absolutely. Well, it's so interesting that you bring up that quote because I was just talking with Michael Hobson from Queen Springs and he said that exact quote and he said, I think the piece that's missing in that quote is the water, but you described that perfectly that water is the carriers, the transmitter of that information, the frequency, the [00:23:00] intelligence.
[00:23:00] Mario Brainović: ~And it carries. Yeah. ~And it carries the memory of all humanity and planet Earth.
[00:23:05] Dr. Katie Deming: So I'm wondering if you can tell us about some of the studies of the benefits on human health with the amylamilon.
[00:23:13] Mario Brainović: ~just to make a one step back.~ So early, our early research showed, as I mentioned, that that, uh, vitality of plants, the it is a vitality. Really grow exponentially. So it was extraordinary. So we were kind of thinking, how can we measure vitality of humans in some way, but in a very accurate way that we and that is very scientifically based.
[00:23:36] Mario Brainović: So we decided to measure ATP. Adenosine triphosphate, it's the primary energy currency of the cell. It's directly responsible for powering the majority of cellular processes inside of our body, including muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, biochemical reactions. Every heartbeat, every breath, every cognitive action depends on ATP.
[00:23:59] Mario Brainović: So we [00:24:00] decide this is cellular energy. So we decided to measure. And we did double blind placebo controlled study where we measured ATP levels. We employed luciferase, which is an enzyme that catalyzes light production in bioluminescent organisms. And due to its extraordinary sensitivity, you can very accurately measure ATP levels in humans because we really wanted to get very exact data on it.
[00:24:25] Mario Brainović: So we took a snapshot of ATP levels in participants of the study. Then they drank a liter and a half of enolama water per day without changing anything else in the world. So they didn't change their exercise regime, they didn't change their diet, they didn't use any supplements. Everything stayed the same.
[00:24:45] Mario Brainović: The only thing that they changed in their life was drinking enolama water. And after two months, we did another test to see whether something changed. And what we saw was the 20 percent [00:25:00] rise in overall mitochondrial energy of the body over the placebo. When you calculate the placebo, that's almost one third of entire cellular energy.
[00:25:12] Mario Brainović: And we're not talking about Red Bull energy here. We're talking about, uh, actual mitochondrial energy. If you, you are familiar with the X, how extraordinary human body is, if you give it a couple of percent, it's going to work its magic in a much more powerful way. But if you give it 30 percent more, it can do so much more.
[00:25:34] Mario Brainović: And you know, scientists now agree that one of the key causes of cellular aging is the decline in mitochondrial function. And we prove with this study that there is powerful, more than significant improvement in the mitochondrial function just by drinking this water. And it really has profound effects on every area of, of human body.
[00:25:57] Mario Brainović: Most people aren't aware usually that, that the biggest [00:26:00] spender of ATP of energy in our bodies or our brains, 25 percent of 25 percent of all of our energy just goes for the brain for the one neuron to send an impulse to a neighboring cell, it needs to hydrolyze 1 billion ATP molecules, and there are billions of neurons.
[00:26:19] Mario Brainović: So it's a huge spender just by sitting all day. You're spending a lot of energy on cognitive function. That's why people with high ATP levels. They have really powerful cognitive function as well.
[00:26:32] Dr. Katie Deming: That's beautiful. Yeah. And, and also that makes sense why you chose the EEG study with the twins to demonstrate the benefits in a human, you know, actual, the function of the brain, you know, that you can see that clinically. So I love that you've shown that you can increase the ATP and a jump in one third of ATP production.
[00:26:56] Dr. Katie Deming: Is I think that that is incredible. I think, [00:27:00] honestly, almost unbelievable and what that could achieve for people. And then to have the clinical study of showing yes, not only does it increase ATP, which you would think would improve cognitive function. You saw it on some Those studies. So I think that that's such a beautiful translation of the study of the science there to show the benefits.
[00:27:21] Dr. Katie Deming: Um, yeah, it's incredible. I, you know, it's funny because I've been recommending the animal one, but I didn't actually know about all of this research. So I'm just loving this conversation with you. ~Um, I'm wondering,~
[00:27:31] Mario Brainović: ~Yeah, please.~
[00:27:31] Dr. Katie Deming: ~no, no, no, you go ahead.~
[00:27:31] Mario Brainović: ~I mean, uh,~ what I love about this is wherever we go, we, it's, we barely scratch the surface of the beauty of this and we can only do so much studies at the time. So, uh, but there are so many avenues opening. I mean, like, uh, for instance, what I love about, we did a microbiome study, double blind placebo controlled, uh, uh, microbiome study, because, you know, I'm kind of always geeking out on microbiome.
[00:27:56] Mario Brainović: We like to think of ourselves as single species. [00:28:00] Nothing could be further from the truth. We're living in symbiosis with trillions of these microorganisms. There are, there are up to 300 times more microbial genes in the human body than human genes. So, so people can at least imagine and realize that the equilibrium of all of these, uh, uh, beings, I would say, is extraordinarily important.
[00:28:25] Mario Brainović: Extraordinarily important and science has now connected the state of our microbiome to basically any area of our health. So we're not talking about just digestive health. We're talking about immune health. We're talking about cardiovascular health. We're talking about neurological health. Any area of our health is connected to the state of our microbiome.
[00:28:43] Mario Brainović: I always like to say people talk about serotonin and how important it is for our mood. What most people aren't aware is that 95 percent up to 95 percent of serotonin is being created in the body. In our gut, by our gut, bacteria. And then it's being [00:29:00] delivered to our brains through the gut brain axis. So the state of your microbiome powerfully impacts how you perceive yourself, how you perceive other people and how you perceive the world. Anyhow, I'm just geeking out on it, uh, because I really love it. It's, it's, it's, uh, it's incredible, incredible, incredible thing. ~So, um, to, to, um,~
[00:29:21] Dr. Katie Deming: ~Well, tell me~ so tell tell us what are the studies showing about the microbiome because the microbiome is key for all of the illnesses that we're seeing, cancer included, um, today is, is related to the microbiome. So I'd love to hear what research you have in this area.
[00:29:38] Mario Brainović: So, first we did, we did the double blind placebo controlled study where we measured the spiosis index of the microbiome. So, this spiosis index measures the degree of deviation within the microbiome, taking into account all the different bacterial phyla and species and their weighing factor. So, again, in the beginning, participants of the study, we took a, um, A snapshot quote unquote of their microbiome dysbiosis [00:30:00] index.
[00:30:00] Mario Brainović: Then they drank liter and a half of lemon water per day without changing anything else in the world again. And when we did second test, we wanted to see what happened with dysbiosis index. And we had 17 percent improvement on the dysbiosis index. But more importantly, what we saw is the rise of positive bacteria.
[00:30:20] Mario Brainović: And we saw a drop, sharp drop in negative bacteria. Because what most people don't understand is that we need all of this. It's not that kind of bad bacteria have bad rep, but we need them. The only problem is when there is an overgrowth. And what we saw is that this water creates balance. It creates equilibrium within our microbiome.
[00:30:45] Mario Brainović: So this was our first study. The second study, again, it was much larger, double blind placebo controlled study, where we did entire DNA sequencing of, of the microbiome. And again, we saw [00:31:00] sharp decline. in negative bacteria. So this is, uh, in the growth of negative bacteria. So, uh, uh, it really happens that the state of the microbiome changes profoundly just by drinking the water.
[00:31:16] Mario Brainović: So nothing else. There was no, it's very, very, very few things can actually have this kind of profound impact if you're not taking probiotics or if you're taking antibiotics. But even probiotics, this is nothing. You're taking only couple of different, species of bacteria to have a profound impact, which is kind of broad spectrum is really rare.
[00:31:38] Mario Brainović: And I love that just by drinking the water, coherent water, of course, uh, you can have this, uh, a profound effect.
[00:31:45] Dr. Katie Deming: That's beautiful. Well, and, you know, in my practice, one of the things that has become, One of my most effective tools at helping people heal cancer naturally [00:32:00] is prolonged water fasting where people are doing nothing but water. And so, you know, this is really making me think, I, you know, there's so many different, you know, things about the water.
[00:32:12] Dr. Katie Deming: And I am very specific about how people, what water they drink when they're fasting. And this can be anywhere. When I'm doing it for cancer, we're usually going past like nine days so that we can really get into autophagy, the state where the body's starting to, um, you know, use diseased tissue for fuel.
[00:32:32] Dr. Katie Deming: And it's basically like, I'm not healing. I'm not doing anything. The body, this person's body is healing itself, you know, just using basically because when you restrict the intake of nutrients, the body starts to do miraculous things. And I'm just thinking, how using an analema wand for my clients who are fasting would be so profound.
[00:32:56] Dr. Katie Deming: I didn't realize this, that it was different than [00:33:00] easy water. So I'm, you know, I'm now I'm really curious as to like incorporating this in with my water fasting clients, because it's also such a, you know, pure state. That's what, one of the things that I love about it is that it's, you know, you're not, Putting anything else in the body and you don't require anything else to allow the body to heal.
[00:33:19] Dr. Katie Deming: And this is kind of the miraculous piece of our body's intelligence and the intelligence of water and the absolutely the coherence of the water is so important.
[00:33:30] Mario Brainović: I totally agree. I mean, our bodies are miraculous, I would say, really. And we just need to come back to the nature of things. Our lives have become so unnatural in so many ways. We just, if we would just expose our bodies to the sun, if we would just eat natural, not processed food, if we would just drink the right kinds of water, I would say 95% Five percent of all of the problems that we're having [00:34:00] in the world would just go overnight.
[00:34:02] Mario Brainović: So I agree with you 100%. We just have to come back to what's natural, to what works with our bodies.
[00:34:11] Dr. Katie Deming: So you've blown my mind with so many of these things. I'm wondering, tell me what you're most excited about right now because I don't even know what questions to ask you because I'm realizing there's so much about this that I don't know. So I'm wondering, you know, what is coming to you that you would like to share that you think would be, you know, helpful for people to know?
[00:34:27] Dr. Katie Deming: Understanding that my audience are mainly people who are healing cancer or other chronic illness and, um, yeah, I'm just curious your, what you'd like to share.
[00:34:40] Mario Brainović: Well, I can share the one of the latest actually, a study that we did, we wanted to do a study on NAD levels. So NAD is the cellular fountain of youth. So if you have high levels of it, any levels, if you have high levels of NAD, you're going to have not only [00:35:00] increased and prolonged lifespan, Your health span is going to be prolonged as well, which is truly important.
[00:35:08] Mario Brainović: By activating sirtuins, uh, the whole DNA repair system is activated in a powerful way. So again, NAD is really involved in every single system in our bodies. That's why we wanted to study it to see whether just by drinking this water will increase NAD levels. And, of course, that has powerful, again, implications on our entire biology.
[00:35:36] Mario Brainović: So we did double blind, placebo controlled study where we measured NAD levels. Again, it was the same system. We took, in the beginning of the study, NAD levels of participants. Then they drank a liter, drank a liter and a half of antelope water per day without changing anything else in the world.
[00:35:52] Mario Brainović: They didn't change their exercise regime, their diets, and they didn't take any supplements. And after two months, we did another study to see [00:36:00] whether something happened. And again, we saw powerful rise in NAD levels. We saw more than significant rise in NAD levels just by drinking the water. So I invite your listeners to maybe dive into NAD because it really has so profound effects.
[00:36:18] Mario Brainović: High levels of NAD will keep you healthy and will keep you alive much longer.
[00:36:25] Dr. Katie Deming: ~Yeah, well, and that's part of,~
[00:36:25] Mario Brainović: ~Yeah.~
[00:36:25] Dr. Katie Deming: yeah, no, and actually that's one of the, um, supplements that I recommend for people is micro dosed B3, which is niacinamide, which is a precursor of NAD. And it's very important, actually, people understand that it's like B3. At higher doses can shut down NAD production. So it's these very low micro dosing can actually lead to elevation in NAD.
[00:36:50] Dr. Katie Deming: So that, that's so incredible that just drinking the water can increase that. I had never heard of that. That's [00:37:00] beautiful.
[00:37:00] Mario Brainović: ~Yeah. I mean, that's what I'm saying. ~There are so many beautiful things and we can only do so much studies at the time, but wherever we venture, we really kind of see something extraordinary. And what I love about water, like you have to drink it anyhow. It's almost an ultimate biohack. You have a powerful effect in your brainwaves.
[00:37:17] Mario Brainović: You have a powerful effect in your ATP production, NAD, your microbiome. Basically any area of your health is impacted just by drinking the water. I love the simplicity of it and then how.
[00:37:30] Dr. Katie Deming: Well, and also, yeah, you know, Mario, what's so interesting about all of the studies that you're describing is, you know, when I've thought about, you know, The state of our water in ourselves. So, or, and I use that term loosely because I know in this space of water, there's a lot of question about whether or not cells truly exist in the way that we've been.
[00:37:54] Dr. Katie Deming: Um, we've understood it historically, but, you know, with [00:38:00] easy water. It's like you do these things to increase your easy water, right? It's like, it's like, there's these practices that you can do to increase easy water. What is so interesting of what you're describing is, is something completely different because you're showing that if you drink this water, It then changes the physiology of the body, regardless of those things that you're doing, the supplements and the other pieces.
[00:38:27] Dr. Katie Deming: Of course, it's important.
[00:38:28] Mario Brainović: Yes. ~We would, I would definitely like to, uh, this is like ~drinking this water has effect of its own, uh, regardless of anything else. But I will definitely say to people, if you can drink, if you can, um, eat organic food, please do. If you can expose your body to the sun, please do. When we combine all of this together, then our bodies become extraordinarily resilient.
[00:38:51] Mario Brainović: ~But I have to say, um, please, please. Yeah.~
[00:38:51] Dr. Katie Deming: ~No, I mean, exactly. It's ~I think that's the important point. It's it's not one thing. And I say this all the time, like illness. And disease is not come about [00:39:00] from one thing. And like you described, it's like you have to get the food right. We have to be out in the sun. We have to be looking at how we were designed as human beings for input.
[00:39:09] Dr. Katie Deming: We're like plants in many ways. You know, what we put in is, is how we're going to grow. And I think the, um, the, this water is just, You know, I think it's an example of that. The water that you drink can have physiologic effects in concert with all of the doing all of the other pieces. ~And that's what I~
[00:39:31] Mario Brainović: ~I, I,~
[00:39:31] Dr. Katie Deming: is you're not going to do one
[00:39:32] Mario Brainović: yeah, yeah, I agree with you, but this is why we designed this study so that we know, separate from all of that, what is the effect of Vanillin in water in particular. And this is the only way you can actually know. So I have to emphasize one thing. This latest microbiome study that we did, it was a crossover study because we wanted to see what happens in a single microbiome.
[00:39:54] Mario Brainović: So it's not like you're comparing one microbiome to the other because that's very hard. Usually how you [00:40:00] do double blind placebo controlled studies, you're comparing with somebody who didn't actually take the, uh, either the water or the product. But what we did in this particular study, we took one microbiome.
[00:40:11] Mario Brainović: So the person drank regular water without being aware that they're drinking regular water. And we measured what happens in the microbiome. Then there was a flash shot. period. And then they drank in a lemon water again for a month. They didn't know that they were drinking in a lemon water and we measured the effects.
[00:40:27] Mario Brainović: This is the only powerful scientific way to know whether something truly has an effect on the biology. And we actually prove it every single time. But I want to, I love what you mentioned about plants, how we are like plants. I have to, uh, come back to our early research where we, how this water makes life resilient.
[00:40:52] Mario Brainović: So we actually, uh, we had this huge greenhouse where we, uh, grew various plants and did measurements on it. But for instance, we grew [00:41:00] tomatoes and our tomatoes actually exuded between 60 and 200 percent more light than a regular tomato, but it didn't stop there. It actually. The effect increased with generations.
[00:41:16] Mario Brainović: So we grew tomato, we took the seeds out and replanted it. And when we did it for three generations, three times, third generation almost didn't need, you don't need to use no pesticides on it. It became so resilient. in and of itself, that any kind of stress you throw at it, it resists. We actually did a study, which is soon going to be published in tier one scientific magazine on basal plants, where we took regular with, we took, uh, uh, basal plants.
[00:41:50] Mario Brainović: We watered some with regular water and some with then we created the short term drought, a powerful stressor. And then we allowed the [00:42:00] plants to recover and we use this latest fluorescence based technology, which captures what happens. in the plant on a molecular level and we proved on almost every single parameter that the plant that was watered with NLM water resisted any form of stress.
[00:42:19] Mario Brainović: It thrived even under severe stress. So this is again, um, interesting, um, um, interesting impact. This water has, and I have to mention one other, which is really, really, really blew our minds. I was super happy when we were doing it. We actually took completely destroyed. piece of soil destroyed by glyphosate and all the pesticides.
[00:42:42] Mario Brainović: So it was completely barren. You couldn't grow anything on it. That's why we wanted to test whether something would happen. And we watered one part of it with regular water and one part with LM water. And we measured what happened after two months on the molecular level in the soil. And the part that was watered with [00:43:00] regular water, it was still dead.
[00:43:01] Mario Brainović: There was really nothing that happened to it. It just remained the same way. But the part that there was water, the dead soil that was watered with NLM water, we started, there was this huge explosion in biodiversity of the microbiome of the soil. There are these colonies of bacteria that started to grow there.
[00:43:21] Mario Brainović: And what happened is that they started to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere into the soil where it belongs. The whole nitrogen cycle got improved. Total nitrogen in soil got improved to the point that after two months, this piece of land became fertile again. So again, it's Two months. In two months, just watering it with NLM water, it became fertile again.
[00:43:48] Mario Brainović: So it's really, and what I love about it is how simple and elegant solution to the whole greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Like we have excess CO2 in the atmosphere. Just [00:44:00] water the soil with NLM water. You're going to increase bacterial diversity. They will Suck co2 out of the atmosphere into the soil because this is the whole our ecosystem what we breathe out Plants breathe in they breathe in co2 and they breathe out oxygen which we need So this water again just brings equilibrium to life if we would just throw it everywhere Equilibrium is going to happen.
[00:44:32] Mario Brainović: We would have much more oxygen in our atmosphere, which we would need. And we would have much less CO2 because it will go to the plants where it belongs.
[00:44:42] Dr. Katie Deming: So beautiful and eloquent. Let me ask you a question about Like, how much water can one wand, like, is it, you know, is it just a glass or can you do a whole pitcher? I love that you described that it can hold it indefinitely, because that's one [00:45:00] of the questions is like, you know, I have a hydrogen, you know, water bottle and it's like it does its thing and then you have to drink it right away to make sure, you know, that it still has the hydrogen in it.
[00:45:10] Dr. Katie Deming: And the fact that someone can, you know, do this with their water and then it holds that indefinitely I think is, is beautiful for people to know, but I'm wondering, you know, how much water, you know, can one NLM a wand, um, effect.
[00:45:25] Mario Brainović: perfect. Yeah. So if you take just one glass, like it's like two and a half, three deciliters, just like one cup or whatever, and you swirl it for, let's say 20 to 30 seconds. But if you're using, um, one liter, two liter pitcher, then you would have to swirl for, let's say. A minute, just to be 100 percent sure that all of the water entered into this particular state.
[00:45:46] Mario Brainović: But just so you know, we came out with the wand as a first application because we wanted to offer this as soon as possible, but we actually created the whole house system. So you install it in the piping system [00:46:00] of your house and everywhere you open your faucet, you're going to get coherent water. So you don't have to swirl.
[00:46:06] Mario Brainović: You just open the faucet and you drink it. But why am I saying this? Uh, this wasn't the number one reason. What was the reason? We actually kind of hypothesized since you mentioned it very clearly, 99. 9 percent of our molecules of water and water always picks up the most dominant frequency of its environment.
[00:46:27] Mario Brainović: So we were wondering what would happen. If people will lay down, take a bath in NLM water for 20 minutes, what would be the biological effect? And we connected to Dr. Greg Lane, my dear friend, David Perez, uh, in San Diego. They have a clinic where they have various equipment to measure various vitals before and after.
[00:46:50] Mario Brainović: So we did actually a study when people just came in with. Took, uh, various measurements of their vitals. They took a [00:47:00] bath for 20 minutes and then we measured again. And we measured cardiac output, stroke volume, blood viscosity, but most importantly, we measured heart rate variability. You are very familiar with the effect of heart rate variability.
[00:47:16] Mario Brainović: And we did a hundred people study every single person in the study. Every single person in the study experienced improvement in cardiac output, stroke volume and blood viscosity. And the minimum. The bare minimum improvement in the heart rate variability we saw was 30 percent and the minimum just by taking the bath.
[00:47:39] Mario Brainović: So again, this water is an electromagnetic phenomenon. So we were thinking since we are like we are water, we are electric in our nature. What would happen if people would lay down? And this is what we saw. So, and this again opens opened another doors to [00:48:00] what we're going to research next, because we might even see that there are even more powerful effects when you bathe in it.
[00:48:07] Mario Brainović: But I'm guessing that when you drink it and you bathe in it, you get, uh, like the biggest possible impact, but just wanted to share that this is also an option. So people can have. That effect as well. And you know, people who can't afford a whole house system, it's a bit more expensive. What I say to people, you just open the faucet when you're filling up your bathtub.
[00:48:30] Mario Brainović: If you have your wand, just put it underneath the faucet, underneath the flow of the water and wait until the bath is full. Then you're going to have the same effect like you, uh, just opened the faucet. So if you can't afford the whole house in Alemma, this is the way to get exactly the same effect. You just have to own one wand.
[00:48:52] Mario Brainović: But, uh, uh, if you can't afford them, it's just like, it makes sense. You just, whatever you open your faucet, you get in Alemma water.
[00:48:59] Dr. Katie Deming: Yeah, well, [00:49:00] and I think that, you know, this is one of the things that I think is beautiful about the wand is the affordability, you know, cause water processes can get very expensive. You know, I've spent a lot of thousands of dollars on, you know, water system and other devices over the past year. And so with my clients, I'm always looking for.
[00:49:27] Dr. Katie Deming: Um, affordable options and the Anilema wand is that option that I've found, you know, and I was just thinking it was structuring the water. I actually, I'm so excited to talk to you and I love everything that you're doing, but that it is so beautiful because it is an affordable option. What is, can you tell the price of what an Anilema wand is just so people
[00:49:46] Mario Brainović: 180. And just so you know, Uh, we made it intentionally this low, we knew that we can price it much higher, but we didn't, we wanted at least so that every family can afford it, can, can [00:50:00] buy it and have and drink and get the benefit of, of the coherent water. Uh, the key thing is it's, I always say to people, if you buy it once, it will last you a lifetime.
[00:50:11] Mario Brainović: So it's not like you have to repurchase it, but I just have to say one thing, treat it like a jewel. It's very fragile. So if you drop it, it will break. But if you treat it like a jewel, if you really take care of it, it will create coherent water for you for life. And it's going to be the best investment you make.
[00:50:29] Dr. Katie Deming: Mario, thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing all of your wisdom and bringing, this technology to the world. If people would like to find you or find the wand, can you please tell us where they can go to find information?
[00:50:43] Mario Brainović: People can go to coherent water. com. Uh, if they want to follow our science, they can just jump on the newsletter and we because we're constantly doing new science. So if you want to follow our work, this is the way to do it. And on the website, they can find us on social media as [00:51:00] well. And a lemon water, but I always it's a simple so you don't have to spell too much.
[00:51:04] Mario Brainović: Just coherent dash water dot com.
[00:51:06] Dr. Katie Deming: Well, thank you so much for being here with us and sharing.
[00:51:10] Mario Brainović: Thank you so much, Katie. Kate, thank you for having me and thank you for being the source of information in this particular point in time. This is the most valuable thing you, I really respect you and honor you for taking the path that you did. You realized something didn't work and you came back to the natural way of healing.
[00:51:31] Mario Brainović: And I really think that you're bringing hope and healing to many people. So thank you for doing that.
[00:51:37] Dr. Katie Deming: Thank you so much. It's my pleasure.
The Born to Heal Podcast is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for seeking professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual medical histories are unique; therefore, this episode should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease without consulting your healthcare provider.